Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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see him hiding behind the oak :rolleyes: ive never had an oscar that "lays down" before :lol:

i trust him completly with the plants :unsure:
i tidied up the hole in the gravel too, hopefully the oak will leak so much tannins he wont be able to see anything to mess about :lol:

whos she kidding eh :lol:
Oh the joys of Oscar keeping, Id forgotten just what messy eaters they are :rolleyes:

Last night, dropped some doromin in the tank, wasnt expecting him to eat it, about half an hour later, looked in to a sea of bits floating around the tank, so I knew he'd eaten them, as the other fish just swallow them whole.

Again this morning, he ate the lot and the tank looks like a disaster zone :lol:

Bless him, least he's eating and seems quite a happy little soul, staying mainly in the top half of the tank, nobody else taking the slightest bit of notice of him, that will change when he grows :p
Hehe how i just love oscar's filthy habit's, I actually miss having to rearrange tank after they kept moving thing's into funny places :angry:
or having there funny five minute strops much like a young teenager :lol:
aww love him , i can imagine how much he enjoys the sticks bless him, senator was weeny like him and used to really get stuck in, really funny to watch too
i feel rather sick to the stomach today! my oscars have been eating extremely expensive live food :( (my own fault!)
i breed red clawed crayfish and as i have hundreds of the buggers every three months, i grow them a bit and feed them to the oscars.
any how seeing as this time i hadnt managed to sell any of the red claw babys i threw the whole batch in the oscar tank (back in with mommy and daddy too who live in there) oscars had a feast on friday!

yesterday i got an email off some guy on the other side of the country.....he wanted to buy as many babys as i had at €10 per baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you can imagine me ripping out every ornament/rock/piece of gravel in the oscar tank searching for any survivors! managed to find 8 so made a nice €80 (i normally sell the babies for €0,25!!!) guy must have been crazy or desperate for them! but if i woulda waited a few more days and not fed them to the oscars, i coulda made a small fortune :(

can i cry, really???
aye, but thats not what i was calling it after i got the email......(!)
Albert is doing great :D Eating like a horse, swimming like an olympic champion and wiggling like a belly dancer :lol:
whats that,3 days? has hardly touched the plants ( one grassy thing floatting but my money is on the plecs ... see i told you he was a good boy :) and love him he was terrified of the floating plants at first, would swim around them,

tho i have to admit to being surprised every morning when i look in and there still in place :lol:
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