Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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i have a question for all you oscar lovers....have you ever experienced a major colour change in your oscars?? if so do you know what caused it??? (diet, new surroundings, age?)

just curious as i have always been the proud owner of two yellow and black tiget oscars, but now they're turning a vivid orangey reddish colour where they used to be yellow??
oh yes, my oscar "oscar" he was quite colourless when young, then suddenly like it happened over night he went ooorannge....rem how orange he was? litteraly over night, one week my parent's were over and admired him, the next week they came and said oh what happened to oscar and what's the new fish? :lol:
anyone else getting a little fed up of people ( at least the ones i know about) buying oscars and treating them like toys... just read yet another post about an oscar being kept in with a plec and goldfish in a 20g.. really hacks me off when i read them
i mean not even the basics of fishkeeping are being adhered to

sorry bit early for a rant i know
nelly - my oscars arent young though? they're about 2yrs+ and just suddenly changed colour?? bizarre!

shelagh - im so angry reading some of those oscar threads in TD and emergencies section, thank god i dont live in the uk or id be hunting down some of these people and doing a spate of 'oscar-napping! the one really getting me at the moment is the oscar that was shoved in a plastic bag because it misbehaved and is in a totally unsuitable tank (emergencies section) i refuse to read it anymore after today, i cant bear the thought of what that poor oscar is going through (and the other fish for that matter)
not read the oscar and the goldfish yet, will go look for that!
why the hell would you get such a lovely fish as a oscar and then just think hads on "i no what i will do i will keep it in a thimble and bang a few more fish in there"

i just went to read the uptodate replies.. someone is moaning cos the owner of the fish is geting advice that isnt very kind.. oh pissin come on.. hes been told over and over for a month now
spish that lil git that kept him in a bag wants the head doctor to look at him, hes not even feeling bad about it, i pmd nelly and asked him to look at it a few days ago, theres no way im going near it,
Im with you Shelagh, Im not reading the threads anymore, because I know I will go off one and it will be me that gets in trouble, not the dickhead that deserves to have his nuts squashed in a blender :lol:
Im with you Shelagh, Im not reading the threads anymore, because I know I will go off one and it will be me that gets in trouble, not the dickhead that deserves to have his nuts squashed in a blender :lol:

rofl, yep even i'm biting my tongue a lot lately too,

Oh and i soo nearly became a member of the Oscar club yesterday, but for all the wrong reasons; went into P@h to get some bird seed and they still had these albino Oscars which have been there for literally about 3-4 months now, when they came in they were about 3-4 inches, they are now 8-9inches easy and all have torn fins and were still in the same 18L x 12W x 24H tank. :angry:
These whackos are posting all over the place, in other peoples threads, bragging about their cruelty and what is more annoying is that nobody is saying anything to them.

Since when did this forum condone this behaviour or have we become so fed up with these people/posts that we dont reply anymore?!! *breathe Mags, breathe*
ive noticed that too, and to be really honest its putting me off reading! i love this place to bits and have had some fabby advice, but some nobbers are really making my blood boil, and it aint good for my health! think from now on im just gonna hover in the nw and DIY sections just to be on the safe side!
putting an oscar in a bag ####, a bowl or a bucket i could understand but a bag??
it takes a split second to look at pics on the net and see how big a fish can grow? why oh why do people think its ok to squish big fish in little tanks? you wouldnt keep a hamster in a coke bottle? or a dog in the cupboard? its just mind boggling!
I guess that's the difference between people like us who get a 6ft tank to house the £2.50 gibbiceps/oscar/etc that we were sold and the others who say 'oh but it looks fine in there' about a 10" fish in a 2ft tnak.
Don't get me started on this issue, i have said my peice and if the person doe's not wan't to listen 100 time's, i will give up, as much as it annoy's me there's nothing that we can do excpet advise, lord know's weve done this
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