Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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Thanks. He's very hungry now, eats prawns, mussels, squid, pellets etc and you can hear him crunching pellets, it's weird. I'm thinking of renaming him Crusher! Tons of crushed pellet come wooshing out of his gills is this normal?
He seems a bit bored though. I tried putting a tennis ball in to float around but he ignores it. He's obsessed with the external filter inlet and bumps it with his nose all the time. Do oscars need toys do you think?
Oscars are ace. I'd always taken them for granted tillI got mine last year sometime. Now I keep them they are great fish and when I come to rejig my stocks these are the main fish I'm plannig the tank round

They haven'tgot names!!lol





Can i have a membership number please? I feel like an outsider with out one :sad: and I really want to be part of the club :hyper:

I can't tell whether mine have grown in the few months I've had thm

does anyone know whether they lose the orange as they get older as I love the colouring at the moment

also I've never had a squabble with mine, is that normal or will this likely happen at a later date?

Lovely colours. Mine's on his own so I don't know about the squabbling. How big is that tank? It looks huge!
Hi i havn't got an oscar yet but thinking about it ive just got to be carefull i dont think my clarias will like it, but saying that ive got a giant gourami and clarias doesn't bother that what do you guys think

I once tried a full grown oscar and huge tinfoils and my 17 inch clarias battered them all. he was totally aggressive to anything in his tank. its a risk

Lovely colours. Mine's on his own so I don't know about the squabbling. How big is that tank? It looks huge!

not that big I need something bigger in next 18 months or so. ts 60x30x24 just over 150g
Can I have a membership number too please!

My 2 bigger Oscars squabble a bit - like toddlers but don't really fight (they are about 6") Hopefully being raised from about 3" together and having paired up all along they will stay pals.

Does anyone want a 4" Black Tiger Oscar? I had 4 then the big 2 paired up, rehomed the littlest but still need a home for this one.
the colour wont fade much, very slightly maybe but u prob wont notice unless you look back at pics

they may start fighting at a later date.. usually around 18 months when they hit sexuall maturity, then again you may be lucky and theyll be life long partners :)

simonas lovely to see them they are really beautiful, nice to see the thread get going again
I want to know whos in charge around this place!!! :sly:

what membership number can I be!!! :D
right ive done my best to get everyone in the right order if you find that you have moved, then dont be offended, had to go right thru the thread and see who had what so far.. think i pretty much have it tho :)

<1> nelly
<2> sheilaf
<3> shelaghfishface
<4> peter22uk
<5> minxfishy
<6> remz
<7> dave ehl
<8> spishkey
<9> spesh
<10> guinness
<11> tobigara
<12> ludwig venter
<13> gfaduck
<14> kris 1978
<15> ren&stumpy
<16> joshrm115
<18> crazy4fish
<19> simonas
<20> thedood326
<21> tonyp5467
<22> deb53cl
<23> 5teve-o
<24> xenosis
<25> bolty
<26> lokemer
<27> gregkarr09
<28> chefjamescott
<29> the captain
<30> koningwolf
<31> glolite
<32> indigoj
<33> momo33........................................................ now show us the pics!! :lol:
<34> forby3

Wow - 34 Oscar Owners (and that's just the ones addicted enough to join the club!) An impressive collection!

How about we now have pics of the oscar OWNERS - lets see if we look like our pets :rofl: :lol:

**I've added mine to my avatar :S
thought we`d better make an effort before he lynched us :lol: id didnt realise there were so many of us either.. we went through a stage where everyone wanted an oscar.. think its shrimp tanks at the moment :lol: but lots has changed since the club started, all for the better i spose :) we still have a lot of beautiful well cared for and much loved oscars between us.... i can do better than look like one.. i have one named after me :p one of ludwigs.... wonder if he ever got that full frontal :lol:
now that I am a fully fledged member thanks Shelagh :good:

heres some pics frmo tonight on my phone camera






my oscars don;t have names yet, i never name fish but after readin gthis thread I feel I should bestow them with a moniker :crazy:

they both look extremley healthy and happy.. and well behaved as your gravel looks nice and tidy
i noticed last night that Bo has moved all the half bucket of gravel that he has in his tank to one corner, and all the plastic plants... im well chuffed a man that does housework without being nagged :lol:
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