Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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people like ren&stumpy that take fantastic care of there fish and this happenes, then that knob head in emergency section who couldnt care less

i went back, and yes i said naughty words and i swear im not going back again
ren&stumpy i am soooo sorry that this has happened to you.
so to here the news Ren&Stumpy -_-
Least you know how to care for you guy's, as shela said it's a real pain when thing's like this happen to good guy's...but aint that the world....
Shame your not near bournemouth, i happen to know of two oscars that need rehoming for free



my beautiful boy :)
He's looking gorgeous Shelagh. Seems to have really coloured up nicely.
second that hes looking really well Shalagh, a proper bruiser!!
Nice looking fishy that!

Cheers for the support people, much appreciated enough was certainly enough.

Not sure what to do next, there is a 8-9inch Tiger O in good shape at LFS which needs rehoming soon. But not sure how it would go with Scar having a slightly larger O thats not lutino in colour come into the tank.
Or i could get a juvenile O and raise it from 1.5-2inch howevever, again i'm not sure how scar would react to the new very mcuh smaller O although he does live with 4 bristlenose plecs and doesnt try to eat them lol or harrass them in anyway.
theres still that percentage chance he will either eat or attempt to beat the newbie to pieces before i could intervene
hi ren&stumpy
this is just my opinion, and may only be what ive seen but i often find that tigers/reds are a lot more lively than lutions, and in that case they will bully lutinos if not raised together from day one, lutinos are very submissive,quite shy.
when i had jambo he bullied day day ( white) and anything else that went into the tank, including the plec, tho i do think that he treated the plec like a toy when he was bored
day day i didnt have any problems with at all, he had a silver dollar in with him for a while and on a few occassion had other fish in for a few hours/days.

which ever you go with.. inform the lfs before you buy him that you intend to home him with scar, and that should things go wrong he will need to go back, id be very surprised if scar murdered him instantly, and for sure you would notice any bullying going on, this would include behaviour like the new oscar slowing turning on his side when scar came near him, spending time away at the back/other end of the tank, just generally staying out of his way,
the best way may be to remove scar from the tank, rearrange the decor, then add the new O then half an hour later put scar back in,
oscars in general will chase anything just to check if it will fit in there mouths, even out of bordom.
he will need carefull watching with anything new that goes in there,, even when you go to bed and the lights go off you will need to watch him ( he will think that no one is watching him ;) )
its noit as staright forward as getting another oscar and adding at as you know, as they are very intelligent ,, i wish it was that easy tho, i would have themn crammed in 10 high ( joke!!) :lol:

maybe nelly could have a word here, i dont know if as far as personalities go you would get a less personality ( shyer) or a stronger more out going oscar, really dont know what would be best, tho equall would be good, there bound to be a pecking order with them

i really hope that whichever you chose it all goes smoothy for you and scar , if it dosent then maybe you can consider other fish. large cichlids rather than an O, but i spose thats like having a bike instead of car in terms of choice :/

wish you all the best :)

shelagh xxxxx

thanks for the lovely comments on Bo :).. in my sig he looks like his pic has been taken in black n white :lol: yes he has coloured up really well.. must be all those prawns he fills his face with :lol:
Scar is certainly the boss of the tank also liked playing with my plec!.

Nero was certainly the submissive fish which aided in the companionship that formed between them. Putting a larger O in there might subdue scar a touch, be put in his place so to speak. I can always knock up a divider using perspex from local diy shop with holes drilled to keep flow going. Could also do the divider route if i chose to raise from juvenile again too, divide tank until large enough to stand up to scar.

Of course he could completely fool me and be a sweet gentle type from the beginning due to missing his play mate nero.
getting very nervous now, its nearly time to move waldorf and statler to the new house! the new tank is set up, we made the new stand this weekend, just needs filling and some mature media throwing in. im just so nervous about the trip! its so hot here at the moment im worried they will overheat on the way. going to try and make the move early morning (5/6am) or late (10pmish) when its a little cooler but trying to squeeze it in round work is a problem. once the oscars are moved, just another 200 or so fish to go! *sighs*

they are gonna sulk for days i think!! have big plans for their new tank though. it was previously used for turtles so has an extra 'platform' up top where the turtles used to bask, am thinking of planting some plants up there (seeing as i cant have any in the water with them!) and having it as an open topped aquarium (but of course will fit some mesh or something over the gaps to prevent leap of deaths!
getting very nervous now, its nearly time to move waldorf and statler to the new house! the new tank is set up, we made the new stand this weekend, just needs filling and some mature media throwing in. im just so nervous about the trip! its so hot here at the moment im worried they will overheat on the way. going to try and make the move early morning (5/6am) or late (10pmish) when its a little cooler but trying to squeeze it in round work is a problem. once the oscars are moved, just another 200 or so fish to go! *sighs*

they are gonna sulk for days i think!! have big plans for their new tank though. it was previously used for turtles so has an extra 'platform' up top where the turtles used to bask, am thinking of planting some plants up there (seeing as i cant have any in the water with them!) and having it as an open topped aquarium (but of course will fit some mesh or something over the gaps to prevent leap of deaths!

FIt some Koi filter grid also known as egg crate in the marine world. Is what i use on my marine tank to cover the top if i have the lid off for maintanence, its closed lid marine tank as its a Rio 180.

Good luck moving all those fish!!

Update on my Oscar scenario,

Swallow Auatics Rayleigh had two huge tiger o's in £29.95 each around 12-14inches and, in a seperate tank, along with a chiclid of some sort not sure but couldve been a flowerhorm or very similar was a 6inch olive green in colour O think he's actually a Red.It was very scared and did not wanna be in that tank it was up for £19.95!!!

Was beaten to hell scales missing fins torn so i said i'd take it for £10 they lowered to £15 but i refused it then as i was walking past i saw it get mullered again by this larger Chiclid and decided there and then to take it home and put it in with scar.

Yes its a gamble but its of similar age to scar smaller than him slightly but big enough to hold his own. I will seperate if i need to with perspex divider that i will make from a sheet i have laying around.

Newbie as been in the tank for around 60mins now and only the usual "this is my tank" actions from scar, tail shake, mouth open stuff.

sat here just now and scars becoming less interested in the newbie already.

Just dropped some hikari gold pellet in for routine feeding for original residence and newbie has taken some straight away scar did not stop him either seems to have accepted the newbie quite well so far
Ok here is newbie as he is known at the minute i need to find a name asap



His other flank is a touch worse injury wise but should heal nicely being in my tank nice clean water, feeding on nice food etc.
Nice rescue. He does look a bit 'hunted' from his beatings at the LFS.

How about Aztec for a name as he is so gold coloured at the moment?
oh hes a stunning choice :)

all the damage will soon heal with lots of water changes,other than that hes looking very healthy :)

how is scar with him this morning? i bet theyll get along fine ( i hope)

love the top pic, a nice grumpy looking one, just how an oscar should look :lol:

good luck spish, i cant wait to see them in there new home
will mkae sure i add plenty of pics hun! little worried now though as the temp in that room soared to way over 35 degrees yesterday am now searching online for a cheap airco set to install there, it is a long room whiich i was going to make into my fish room but if its gonna be too hot i may have to rethink my plans :(
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