I don't bite, all that often...
Well, initially the clowns do get infected, as the WS feeds of them, it irritates them and makes an already thick slime coat get thicker. This makes it near impossible for new WS parasites to re-attach to the fish after this immune responce, so when the originals fall off the clowns "recover" from the infection and hold it off while the WS parasites hatch from their state on the aquarium floor and fail to re-attach to a host, leading eventually to the parasites death. After a time, WS drops back to background levels and the clowns stay healthy, with their slime coat levels returning to normal. The only way a clown will get dragged down by a parasitic infection, is if it is spreading through a tank quickly and infects them before the immune system responds, or if the clown's immune system is weak. When it comes to infections, clowns when settled are near bomb-proof, unless the tank is overstocked, under stress or kept in conditions that promote fast parasite reproduction.
It's a bit like you going back to school after summer. Initially you are bombarded with colds, but your immune system re-strengthens and you get back to normal again after a few weeks
All the best
It's a bit like you going back to school after summer. Initially you are bombarded with colds, but your immune system re-strengthens and you get back to normal again after a few weeks
All the best