Jack's Marine Adventure!

I thought you'd already spent next weeks funds Truck :shifty: :lol:
store credit ;)

and i might be earning a tenner tomorrow, a teacher wants me to build some raised beds after school.

teachers pet :p

my teacher might give me 2 FREE clear seal tanks!

one looks 15-20 gallon, the other 30 gallon :D

hehe, they have been sitting in the biology lab for a few years! i think she will give them to me :D

Anyhow! long time since i asked how all was going! SO, how is everything going? im really sorry to hear about the little clownfish. poor chap. And i am shocked about what your LFS said to you and your parents; i feel like a nitwit when i go out with mum and dad and the LFS bloke is speaking utter rubbish; yet i always feel bad if i wanted to butt in :unsure:


Bagu :good:
everythings going good apart from the past few hicup's, lol ive got 3 tons of soil to use, do i need to build raised beds to take the soil.

good on ya getting the free tanks ;)
Wow, long story but nice result. You're certainly persistent Truck :)
okay, i got a phonecall at dinner saying there is a very wet box at home :grr: so I biked it home 5 miles, to sort out this 'wet box'. so i open it and there are what appears o be very dry crabs sitting their in the bag :grr: so i started to acclimatize them with the little water left, and had to leave for school, i got back and luckily theyre all alive :) few! so theyre still finishing acclimatizing and then will be going in the tank, ive just got to nip to halfords for an inertube, new pump and lock and then ill be back (i was in such desperation to get home, i broke the lock :blush: i ran down to technology and robed some bolt cutters :blush: wheres the key you ask...i couldnt find it :rolleyes: )
lol, thank god for the crabs, i bike to school and one day some little shi* locked my bike up that was already locked to the bar with their chain, so i couldnt go home, took the caretaker like 2 hours to saw it off!
the clown goby is looking dreadful :( he appears to have been nipped and bitten, he has lesions on his head and a few scales missing :( ive noticed the cleaner shrimp seems to pounce on him sometimes but surely it wouldnt make this mesS?

any ideas? i will get a photo up soon

the clown goby is looking dreadful :( he appears to have been nipped and bitten, he has lesions on his head and a few scales missing :( ive noticed the cleaner shrimp seems to pounce on him sometimes but surely it wouldnt make this mesS?

any ideas? i will get a photo up soon


poor little fella :(
Ouch, tough to say Truck. I doubt it's the shrimp though. Good luck with him
Man you're sure having a lot of issues :sad: Sorry to hear that's happening. What's the current stock in your tank?

The goby lays around and the crabs are the newest members of the tank?? Just a thought...might be the crabs?
2 clowns
1 clown goby
4 turbo snails
4 red legged hermits
1 cleaner shrimp
star polyps frag.

i woke this morning to find all the fish COVERED in white specs, i get back from school and theyre gone! does white spot fall off during the day and attach at night???

if its white spot i cant treat, im just going to have to sit and wait as my mum wont let me set up another tank :-(
White spot can come and go fast. WS tends to fall off and re-attach at night, so should not on paper vanish during the day. This said though, it is possible to happen :nod:
oh crap :( so after i have let it run its course, if it kills everything how do i go on about adding fish after it has run fallously? seeing as bacteria colonies will have receeded
Slowly ;)

You may not loose everything (first assuming it was WS you saw this morning). Clowns, when settled, are very hardy to WS, and I know a fair few people whom have had them live through a WS outbreak when all other stock went over. Inverts don't get WS, so the crabs, shrimp, snails and corals should all be safe. It really is just the "already in a bad way" clown goby to get overly concerned about. Good luck *may* pull everything else through :good:

Obviously, you go fallow if you loose everything for 6-8 weeks. After that, treat it like a newly cycled tank :good: I personally added food in small amounts to mine to keep it "ticking over" while vacant :good:

All the best
Slowly ;)

You may not loose everything (first assuming it was WS you saw this morning). Clowns, when settled, are very hardy to WS, and I know a fair few people whom have had them live through a WS outbreak when all other stock went over. Inverts don't get WS, so the crabs, shrimp, snails and corals should all be safe. It really is just the "already in a bad way" clown goby to get overly concerned about. Good luck *may* pull everything else through :good:

Obviously, you go fallow if you loose everything for 6-8 weeks. After that, treat it like a newly cycled tank :good: I personally added food in small amounts to mine to keep it "ticking over" while vacant :good:

All the best
cheers rabbut, what happens to the WS? does it feed off the fish? surely if the clowns stick with me through it they will constantly feed and reproduce off the clowns?

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