I've Found Heaven On Earth

that pretty cool. Me and my freind found a pool once on an island which only appears when it hasn't rained as the surroumnding river goes down. It's like a freshwater rock pool as it is pretty big about 8 ftx 9ft. All it holds are stickleback in the shallows and trout etc.
Most exotic we get here in england probably.
Hmmm....is that really your hand? Looks like a hoax to me!

;) Only joking!

Good find! It's like a free tropical fish pick 'n' mix.
never doubted 4 a second
shame on u doubting thomas's

actually i have a confession of my own, i have found a place where there r kribs, otos and cardinal tetras in 1 place!!!!!!!!
Wow!! The responses are overwhelming!! Thank you so much everyone for your flattering comments. Thanks again to all that supported me through the "no pictures" phase, but it was very fun hearing the debates of the preceding week. I will now attempt to answer some of the questions that were brought forth, hope I get everyone.

To all: I will post more pics next time I go, don’t worry!!! And trust me I will go back as much as humanly possible, but it does cost me around $20 in gas, so in won't be as often as I like. And as others have said, I am all for dubbing it the TFF pond! And

To JimBob: Who owns the pond? as in is it on someones land or like national park land?- The pond is in BLM land
Have you seen anyone else there at all?- Yes!!! I was quite upset but Sunday a country bumpkin family was there feeding the fish, I doubt they will ever catch them though.
Someone must have dumped them fish in there- and yes I am sure many have stocked the pond over the years.

To Lilmisshertz:
Thanks so much for showing appreciation, I was happy to get the pics to you all and excited to share the joy!

To starrynight XXI, youre right I knew I should have wet my hands from my years of trout fishing, but I guess the excitement was too much to remember that!! I could barely cast straight!

To SouthernCross:
My friend and I are hoping to do some snorkeling there, though we have no scuba stuff. In fact he went yesterday (Mon) since he couldn’t go with me on Sunday and swam around with goggles and said it was AMAZING. He saw fish that I didn’t catch or that we had never seen from the surface, so I am excited to go back and snorkel a bit!!

Oh yes, I nearly forgot! I finally got the short video clip uploaded, so here is the link. Sorry my cinematography is not too great, like I have said before, it was hard to film, feed, and balance on the log.
ok ok i believe you :blush: :blush:

if it was me that had found this pond and i was telling you that its full of africans and koi would you believe me? lol, without me showing you pics :shifty:

great video, will you be trying to hook a koi carp on your fly rod anytime soon :rolleyes:
I think you did a good job video taking considering the circumstances lol... I bet you were just too hyped up to keep still, not that you could anyway as you said you were balancing alot on a log lol.
Thanks again for your time to show us. You could have kept it all to yourself, but you were nice enough to share your experience with us!! :hyper: :hyper:
Take care :rolleyes:
Glad to hear you're trying snorkelling!

PLEASE take an underwater camera! Buy, borrow or steal! ;)

Take some more bread to hold in your fist (if thats indeed what you were throwing in the water for them before), it will bring the fish to you and they'll hang around close to you and peck your hand to try and get it - nice and close for photo ops :) Worked a treat snorkelling in Fiji!! :good:

Can't wait to see more!
Wow that is just amazing, it sure looks like heaven on earth to me. How did them fish get there? I would be there all the time trying to catch them. Really Really cool :drool: You must keep this place secret, your own little peice of paradise.
wow this kinda fell, so i'm going to help bump it back up. i think this is a great thing for anyone to see, no matter what they feel about the situation, it still is amazing that all of these species have adapted to coexist...

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