I've Found Heaven On Earth

It has taken me all morning to read all of this topic but well worth it, I have enjoyed it immensely how fantastic, and what a great video, isn't it great that the elderly man at the store chose to share this place with you.
Thanks for showing us all this, its pretty amazing that they all co-exist in that one pond...And the video is yet more proof of this places existance, Im supprised it hasnt been on the news or anything?
awesome pics would be a dream to have it in your backyard almost .. or even near by well enjoy it
thankyou for sharing this experience with us. So lucky to have this.
Keep this to yourself and enjoy the experience with your family.
Very cool pics..

and just a word for the naysayers..

a quick google search reveals that there are littereally hundereds of these sort of pools through out the western US>.
Very very cool! :drool: think of the breeding programme you could set up! Id be sketching out the plans for the fish house allready, but we sont get that kinda thing here!
This is amazing :drool: I want those fish! lol... now my question for you is what are you doing with the fish? are you keeping them to raise? or are you going to sell them to an LFS as "assorted cichlids" and "others"?

If you did that it could solve the $20 for gas easy :p Then we could get more pics ^_^
Just finished reading every post, WOW. What a Great experience to find a pond like that, the mountians are beautiful. The fish look lively and heathy, they must be happy in thier environment. thanks for sharing and enjoy the snokling :hyper:
all hail to the wierd old man
btw $20 for a 4 hour round trip to a spot like that is well worth it. would probably cost $80 in the Uk
btw $20 for a 4 hour round trip to a spot like that is well worth it. would probably cost $80 in the Uk

Not quite. Gas prices in the US are around $3/gallon and if I have heard correctly, it's about $7 in the UK. So if it really cost $20 for a 4 hour round trip, it would cost about $45 in the UK. However, I guess it depends on several different factors, but any 4 hour trip I've ever taken cost more than $20! So maybe you're not too far off. Whatever the cost, I'd ride my bike to get there if I had to! That place just sounds too awesome.
btw $20 for a 4 hour round trip to a spot like that is well worth it. would probably cost $80 in the Uk

Not quite. Gas prices in the US are around $3/gallon and if I have heard correctly, it's about $7 in the UK. So if it really cost $20 for a 4 hour round trip, it would cost about $45 in the UK. However, I guess it depends on several different factors, but any 4 hour trip I've ever taken cost more than $20! So maybe you're not too far off. Whatever the cost, I'd ride my bike to get there if I had to! That place just sounds too awesome.

Really?! Wow... it's only $1.03 here in Canada! :lol:

But that's still quite alot -_-
This is amazing :drool: I want those fish! lol... now my question for you is what are you doing with the fish? are you keeping them to raise? or are you going to sell them to an LFS as "assorted cichlids" and "others"?

If you did that it could solve the $20 for gas easy :p Then we could get more pics ^_^

Well, yeah. $20 bucks isn't too bad for most, but for a starving college student it is sort of a lot. About what I am doing with them, really nothing. The fish I caught in the pictures I released. I kept a yellow lab and a blue African in a tank that I thought was going to be a Malawi tank, but I gave them to my buddy.... when you get right down to it, I just love south american cichlids too much. So the only fish I have (that I caught from there) is a beat up convict and the unknown fish from the first post, they are both doing fine.

Thanks for all the responses, I do feel really lucky to have this place 2 hours away. It has been fun. My buddy and I will definately go in a couple of weeks, hopefully I can get some underwater pics!! I am sure there are more species to be discovered in the pond (not new ones of course, just ones I havn't seen yet) and I need to get pictures of the giant knob headed fish and oscar that I keep seeing. like I said, my friend went back and saw many more fish with his swimming goggles that we hadn't even seen. He also caught a few different africans, one of which I had never seen in my life. It almost looked like a cross between a blue zebra african cichlid (not sure of the name) and a severum or something, though I'm sure it wasn't. He was supposed to post a pic in these forums but I don't think he has, but I will get after him about it or take a pic myself. He also has the mysterious golden guppy that I have yet to get a picture of.
Really?! Wow... it's only $1.03 here in Canada! :lol:

But that's still quite alot -_-

lol! I'm in NS and we are now up to 1.149 but that is pretty high for here....

the difference here is in the states they are paying by the gallon, and we are paying by the liter! lol!

so really 3.00 for a gallon is pretty damn good.... so thats about .79 for a liter...
I'm in NY and gas prices vary greatly between location but... It's about $3.21 9/10 per gallon... i never understood that 9/10 cent thing, i guess so they can get that extra penny and confuse you too lol... but $3.21 is just for the cheapest stuff.

I know all about being a broke starving college student chuka, whenever you guys get the chance, no rush. I jsut wish it was near me :p lol
Yes I also empathize with the broke college student feeling. Just remeber you can live off of ramen noodles for a long time :lol: And ketchup is free if you take the packets from the fast food restaraunts. Cant wait till you get a chance to go again.


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