Is Ammonia And Nitrie Levels Spike Up Really Low While Cycling?


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
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hi all

im cycling 2 tanks right now. i got a 10 gal, cycle started on march 20.. 46gal cycle started about march 27th.. soo the 10 gal levels of ammonia is 0.1, nitrite at 0.1 and nitrate at only 5? really weird because last time i checked(4days ago) nitrate it was alot higher then that.. im geussing my banana plant killed all the nitrate? well anyways the 46 gal ammonia is at 0, nitrite at 0.3 and nitrate already at 5.. realy weird, the bigger tank seems to cycle quiker?.. so anyways are the spikes suposed to be this low? im using prob half of the maximum fish alowed in each tank.

so are these spikes suposed to be up so low? i expected the spikes going up alot higher then that

oh yeah and i havnt dont a water change for the 10 gal in 10 days and the 46 hasnt got one since the tank was set up which was about 10 days to.. only did added a bit of water to fill the tank up a bit

oh yeah and another thing.. i have the carbonate and hardness tester, will i need to use this for cycle or just use it after the cycle?
You have fish in whilst you are cycling??

Maybe I have read your post wrong but if you are cycling with fish in its very cruel, and your stats are too hifgh if you have fish (ammonia and nitrite should be at 0)

If I'm reading right, No do not add any more fish, there shouldnt even be any in there right now.
Hi Dasanii and welcome to the forum!

Marlie has a good point that it helps to state clearly up front whether you are attempting a "fish-in" or a "fishless" nitrogen cycling process as they are completely different! I believe this was a similar issue over in the Tibby thread.

Careful reading though seems to indicate that you are "fish-in" cycling, so we'll assume that. The types of units you are using to report ammonia and nitrite readings could mean that you are attempting to use strips, is that the case? You will probably need to use liquid-based testing to get reliable readings for your cycling process. Plenty of help here if you need to make the switch, just let us know.

The most important aspect of "fish-in" cycling is understanding that you must concentrate on what frequency of water changes is needed to keep ammonia and nitrite readings all the way down at zero so that the fish won't be harmed. Its important to keep increasing the sized and frequency of changes until you acheive zero on these two tests. The wastes in the tank will be providing food for your new bacteria colonies to grow in the filter, you don't need to worry about that. You don't need to be worrying much about nitrates, especially as long as they are below 40 or more.

Re KH/GH Tests: What are your source water readings for pH, nitrates, ammonia, nitrites, GH and KH? Its nice to record these and get a feel for this baseline. You really don't need regular GH,KH readings unless you have a problem. If your pH went below 6.0 for example, you might then need to worry about KH. Probably your source water is within reasonable norms and you can then mostly ignore KH and GH.

Dasanii, your fish-in cycling readings are not weird, they just sound like you are still at the beginning of cycling without enough bacteria to process either of the poisons! You are only at 20 days for the 10 gallon and fewer days for the bigger one, so would make sense of a process that could take many months (or it could go fast, its just highly unpredictable!) All you care is whether detectable ammonia or nitrite creeps back up in your (twice or so daily) tests, neccessitating water changes. Eventually they won't creep up and you will be done cycling.

Does that help?
ps. Marlie & Dasanii, you might want to add your geographical locations to your profiles as you see others do as that helps with some types of answers
hey the info helped, thanks.. i am using the halogen kit which is liquid.
I think waterdrop has covered things pretty well. You shouldn't add any more fish until your ammonia and nitrite are at 0 for at least 2 days in a row. Then add no more than the quantiy of fish you already have (if you have 4 add no more than 4 more). The bacteria can usually catch up in a day or so. After 2 or 3 days of 0 ammonia and nitrite, you can add some more.

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