I'm in Planted School.
The bacopa will cover the filter inlet. There is enough stems they are all just short right now and the low light is keeping the growth rate slow. JUst waiting it out. I made add something with it to help out but my purchases are far between right now.
The moneywort on the left is similar to bacopa but the leaves are limp and not as pretty. I may take you advice and toss in a red plant over there. I like the one you suggested and have all been looking into a type of Lugwiga that is similar to Alternanthera cardinalis also.
If only the rena filters had a black inlet pipe. They made the spray bar black. It's annoying to me in both of my tanks. Thanks for the thoughts.
The moneywort on the left is similar to bacopa but the leaves are limp and not as pretty. I may take you advice and toss in a red plant over there. I like the one you suggested and have all been looking into a type of Lugwiga that is similar to Alternanthera cardinalis also.
If only the rena filters had a black inlet pipe. They made the spray bar black. It's annoying to me in both of my tanks. Thanks for the thoughts.