Inexperience Is An Asset. A Planted Journal.

Does this chick ever shut up?

  • OMG, I just clawed my own eyes out.

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Don't ever shut up!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Seriously????!!! SHUT UP!!!!!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Updates Please!

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • How can we say this nicely........? :/

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Total looney nut job!!

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
You won't trade the livebearers :p I know you won't! Just wait :p
lol I do like livebearers more then is normal. I am concerned a little about my guppies. I knew I may run into issues after the sterilization which is why I didn't want to add the more expensive stock until I have had fish in for awhile. I may be paranoid but do guppies spend a lot of time at the surface normally?

The platies and Bolivian Rams aren't at the surface and aren't gasping, though the Bolivians are dark. They may just be darker ones and/or it hasn't even been 24 hours for them to settle in yet. I lowered the temp a little and changed some water just in case. They may also be reacting to the medicated food.

After what happened before I am just paranoid.

lol how funny! (re: the silks :p)

My 10g isn't looking as nice as yours did...all the rocks are getting pulled out, but I think it's fumy we had the same colors going on. I TOLD you I loved your little tank. hahaha
Ah well...great minds and all that!

I'm pretty sure that guppies spend most of their time in the upper parts of the tank - never had them before but that's my impression :)
Oh that would really calm me down. Maybe I'll send a note to OldMan to confirm. I changed a bunch of water anyway, and have the surface rippling more then I ever would. Stupid guppies. That's my hubbys fault. :lol:

I officially have NFP! "New Fish Paranoia"
Bah, my photo session was a huge FAIL! The rude little platies apparently LIKE it behind the wood in the big crypts. The guppys are hanging in the back at the top which is a ridiculous place to get a daytime photo without a tripod. *sigh* I'll have to make my "tripod" again tonight since I haven't bought one yet. I stack hardcover books on a chair until I get the height I want :lol: :lol:

Here's the darkened Rams. I am suspecting that they are both male. I am confident with my ability to sex them, but going off the fins and head shape isn't as accurate and they are too young to tell by breeding tubes.


Tiger stripe platy, best I could get.


I hope the reddened look of everyone's gills will go away within the week. They were in an insanely high amount of nitrite at the store.
Normal people would be creeped out when their stalkers reveal themselves. :lol: It is addicting right? I am a little toned back now, but I am sure after I move to Georgia we will fill every space with water lol
Tiger stripe? They look like Mickey mouse to me......... How are they tiger striped?
Def. not mickey mouse. The stripes didn't show up as much in the pic. Look close and you can almost see them. I will get a good pic of the male at some point since he is the darkest. The two females are much lighter and are still getting used to the tank, so I can't get a good picture yet. They have really nice orange stripes. I bet they have some mickey mouse in their genes however, but I am sure most platies are interbred.
Yup, after researching a bit, they are a tiger/ mickey mouse breed.
Ahhhhh I faintly see stripes!!! And yes they definitely have Mickey mouse in them based on that tail.
Here are two blurry photos of the male guppy. He's small and moved alot lol



I took back the two ugly duckling female guppies today. The male guppy was exploring a little and the females weren't at all. I started to wonder why and when I netted them out they both had funky fins. They were ragged when I got them, but the stress must have made it worse. I thought it was better to take them back and get new females later. I brought home another tiger platy so now there are 1 male / 3 females.

Talk about king of the castle! :hey:

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