Inexperience Is An Asset. A Planted Journal.

Does this chick ever shut up?

  • OMG, I just clawed my own eyes out.

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Don't ever shut up!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Seriously????!!! SHUT UP!!!!!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Updates Please!

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • How can we say this nicely........? :/

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Total looney nut job!!

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
:sad: I'm very paranoid. All I have ever had is sick fish because of the fish tb, and then secondary issues from it.

So now I have added new fish and I am paranoid. I know one of the rams had a bit of ragged fins, but I am keeping the water quality excellent, with a bucket or two water change everyday until it looks better.

If they begin to have a whitish look to the end, is that beyond the natural ability to heal?

They platies are not out and about like I was hoping they would be, they are all gathered behind the wood all the time, unless eating. :sad: So much for an active tank.

I had better be able to get quality fish when I move or I might go insane.
Hehe give em some time ya fruit loop!

As far as torn fins go, if you feel like you need to "do" something, go ahead an add some melafix. It's not going to hurt and maybe it's a coincidence but I have seen improvement in my fish after using it.
:fun: Ok, so I'm a little loco. :hyper: I'll leave it be unless it gets worse. I have a whole pharmacy now, that includes Melafix lol

Thanks! :nod:
Aren't we all a little loco? ;)

I think the fish have a bigger pharmacy than the humans in this house. :rolleyes:
:angry: A Platy is flashing. I saw it. The little $%&@$%!!! SO before I go off my rocker, I think I am going to get some aquarium salt and try that method. I don't see any spots on any of the fish so maybe, just maybe with a lot of luck, it's just from the nitrite poisoning from the store. The water in the bag from the store had 2.0 ppm nitrites.

:-( I'm not being paranoid here in case my earlier crazy moment leads you that way :lol: THe platys all has insanely red gills and I was hoping that would go away..
Well. I hope I am lucky then for the first time since starting this hobby :)
Yeah I occasionally see my corys do it
:crazy: My husband is a tyrant. He took all the fish back to the store and bought frozen foods and aquarium salt in return "just in case".

Then he handed me a card with "lotsa monies on it" and said buy the good stuff.

Now to clarify, I am the boss of the house. I make all the decisions and he doesn't even know HOW to pay the bills. He is always gone {Army soldier} so I have to do everything. The fish TB situation and how upset and sick I am from the medications, drew him to his limits and he really stepped in with a force that I have never seen from him. {It was kinda hot :blush: } Don't let him know I said that, he will strut around for a month demanding things!!

Basically, I can't be stupid, but I have enough to order some fish, and some plants. :lol: What to do first? and where is the best bargain?
How can I fit some tiger striped platies in. I actually really liked them. Don't judge. :sly: I do get to order the cories! I am insanely excited!
I told you you'd like them!!!!! Bobs tropicals seemed a good deal to me, but some of the plants were a bit high..... Maybe try some other us members? That's how I'm getting my plants.
Nice move Mr. FF!! :D I'm excited for you, and I'll continue to lurk around. Not much knowledge to share, so best I just sit back and watch and the big kids talk ;)
Definitely get plants from other members. Frothhelmet has some nice floaters for sale at the moment. And I am sure there are more.

Which cories are you going for?
C. Sychri cories. Rare and beautiful and from a seller who is known for brillant quality!!

Im excited today. Yesterday was nuts lol I wrote bobs tropicals on some of the fish that I want.
:hyper: Ordered plants for both tanks!! I put in TWO new anubias plants to replace the ones I lost in the bleaching! Easily my favorite plant. I took out the yucky ugly ones and gave them away on freecycle. They weren't worth shipping to a member here or I would have listed them.

I also added some wisteria {it has the neat broad leaves though, only $2 and if I don't like it someone can have it.

Plants ordered:

Bacopa caroliniana


Egeria densa

Aponogeton Crispus {Don't know why I ordered that. It doesn't fit with the cyperus helferi on each side. what to do?
Ludwigia Peruensis for some red!

I'm thickening up my groupings of egeria and bacopa and hopefully removing the limp-noodle {bacopa monneri.}
In my normal style this is turning into a jungle. I get so excited over plants.

Aponogeton or cyperus helferi?? which should I go with?
I'll take the apongeton :hey: the cypures goes more with your scape anyways! ;) :p

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