The Edge has life! It's of the non coral variety too!
A grand total of ONE sexy shrimp
and a YCG who is in hiding at the moment
The sexys are proving hard to get and Laura at Amwell's spotted a rogue large sexy in one of her coral tanks so it's come home with me
There are a few more on order with some pompoms and hopefully they will arrive by next Friday.
A few pics of the sexy but the ycg has hidden at the mo, so I'll pop a frag of motipora in so it has somewhere to perch
He had his tushie to me I'm afraid
My stock list now is...
red sea xenia, various zoas, some small montipora digitata frags, various large mushies, big button polyps, 1 ricordea yuma and some red grape algae along with 1 sexy shrimp and the elusive ycg