

New Member
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Miami, FL
i got a new black moor from petsmart friday.. noticed about saturday he developed what looked like a scratch.. figured he musta scratched himself squirming into the sunken ship like i caught him doing.. i was gonna ask if it was threatening, i uploaded pic my gf saw it and said she thinks its ich or ick or whatever i dno wtf? what do i do i dont want the other fish to die :\ oh yeah the pic- http://www.prestowebdesigns.com/santa/PICT0072.jpg

edited to remove pic
oh man.. at first it was just on one side.. now i see like three more on the other side.. and i noticed as i looked really close... the fishes jaws are a little off center.. one is a little more to the right and the otehr is a little more to the left!! what the hell.. they sold me a retarded fish AFTER i swore i wouldnt go back
i just remembered earlier i saw a bunch of little bubble liek things floating around.. are those the parasites? theyr ekind of gone now i figured they were just some kinda particles floating around :eek:
Jaws said:
oh man.. at first it was just on one side.. now i see like three more on the other side.. and i noticed as i looked really close... the fishes jaws are a little off center.. one is a little more to the right and the otehr is a little more to the left!! what the hell.. they sold me a retarded fish AFTER i swore i wouldnt go back
Is this fish eating? The way you described it it sounds like his jaw is dislocated. I know that happens with cichlids sometimes when they fight but not sure about community fish.

The "lines" you described sure doesn't sound like ich ( Ichthyophthirius) to me at all. Ich looks like you dashed salt on the fish. Is that what it looks like? I can't see the pic very well.

i just remembered earlier i saw a bunch of little bubble liek things floating around.. are those the parasites?

Can't say for sure but they are probably just bubbles.

Could you please take the pic down so we don't have to scroll so far and can read your post? Plus it's hard on people with 56K to dl a 1600x1200 pic. Although I have Cable and don't mind that part. :)

You can just insert the link to the pic and we'll click on it. Thanks. :)

Here's the link to your picture--

he looks more like hes just contarted.. hes eating fine yeah. im gona try to get some more pics.

edit- its more like having a sliver of metal inside of him.. under the scales. the first one i noticed is alot more exposed, the ones on the other side are more deeply embedded. they didnt show up untill after. he is swimming wierd though, like somwhere i read that hes irritated. he frequently comes to the glass go allow me to inspect him, its kind of funny, he never did that before. i got a video but it is a little blurry, and its very hard to photograph him regularly. the first picture is as good as its gonna get. ill try though.
Thank you for taking the pic down. :)

More pics would be great.

Here's a pic of a fish with ich. You can see the white spots on it. This is after quite a few days of having it tho. Ich usually starts on the fins and only a couple spots here and there but gets progressively worse each day.


I'll leave this pic up for a day or two before I take it down.
video- http://www.prestowebdesigns.com/santa/PICT0074.avi
the pictures arent getting better, only worse. thanks alot smb its relieving just having you here. i cant describe it any better other than the metal thing though i wish i could ;) can you make out the shiny thingy?

oops sorry about the link :eek: the thing is i realised i had a prob when someone pointed it out to me, it was already nearly 9 and the store wasnt answering calls. so i cant get any salt or anythign untill tommorrow
The video link you provided takes me to a thread about a shrimp trap? :)

Do you have any aquarium salt? If so, put in 1 tsp per gallon into it and that will help until we can figure this out. If not, you should pick some up at the lfs.

Only add it once unless you do a water change. Then only add as much as for the water you took out. Not for the whole volume of the tank again.
It could be ich so I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying it doesn't sound like it if it has "lines".

can you make out the shiny thingy?

Do you mean the gold spot on the fish? I thought that was glare of some kind?
gold spot? ohh no the fish is a matte black, hes not reflective at all.. that BIG thing right in the middle is what im talkin about.

right now all im doin is leavin the light on, turned off my room fan, and i aimed a really hot desk lamp into the glass. i also put a towel over the hood for insulation, since i read that 85degrees kills the free floating ones.. right now my thermometer reads 86. i dont think the big one is liking it tho.. hes "lying" on the gravel. maybe hes hiding from the lamp but ive never seen him lie down. the little one is following him for support i guess lol but i dont want him touching him.. oh well..
86F is way too hot. The dissolved oxygen content in there is probably almost non-existent and that might be why he's laying on the gravel.

Take the towel off, turn the desk lamp off and turn the fan on. Just let the thermometer handle the heat and I wouldn't let it get higher than 82F if it were me.

I'm not sure what metal thing you mean tho. Sorry. Maybe it's just me because I'm so dang tired and it's past my bedtime.
well thanks :huh: took all the crap off. whatever happens happens i guess. ill let ya know what happens tommorrow, wont be able to go to the store for another 16 hours after this post though. ill come back around 245 eastern and give a report, and go to store maybe around 4-5. right now im thinkin in gonna take the fish back in a bag and ***** the guy out.. and see what happens from there. if its determined i have ich ill get treatment, unless i shuld get ich treatment anyway? unless again of course the ich treatment is harmful to my tank... im just about ready to just dump everything out and start over jeez :blink:
No no no. Hang in there Jaws. I know how frustrating this all is. We've all been through it and have felt the same way. :)

Just remember it's only hard because of me and the fact that I can't tell you what it is. Someone else here might know what you mean and be able to easily diagnose it for you and the hard part will be over.

If it is ich, it's one of the easiest diseases to treat for. You can get a bottle of nox-ich for about $1.25 and it will last forever.

If you use carbon all you have to do is take that out and apply it per the directions for 7-14 days. Nothing else needs to be done at all. :)
well just so everybody can get something out of this: apparently 86-87 degrees does NOT kill free floating ich...

i woke up this morning to find my old fish with the tell tale white spots all over his finnage and body. the host fish, i dnoits kinda creepy the way the big parasite things are moving around inside of him..the one from the picture is less visible now, it appears more deeply embedded. the ones on the other side look really bad. :/ how could i have prevented this? quarantined any new fish? for how long? what if its on a plant... oh yeah the neons are doin ok, cept one has two or three dots on his dorsal fin.

edit- i forgot to add that i woke up to it at 86F even tho i took the towel off, thehot lamp, and the fan on. the whole room was alot cooler but i guess the tank stayed hot :/
well just so everybody can get something out of this: apparently 86-87 degrees does NOT kill free floating ich...

Heat doesn't kill it but speeds up the process because there are only certain stages that meds will kill it.

Most recommend heating to 85F and above but IMO this causes undue stress on fish and would rather treat a few days longer at 82-83F instead. If you want to take others advice and have the heat higher, then please do as I'm no pro or scientist.

You can also treat every 3 to 4 days for 4 treatments, changing 50% of the water before each treatment.

If you happen to use Quick Cure or Rid Ich, make sure all the fish in your tank can handle Malachite Green and formeldahyde. Scaleless fish can't handle it in 100% dosages and I know nothing about mollies so please find out beforehand.

Let us know how it goes. :)
well i called, ended up talking to a manager. he said yeah sure i can bring the one they sold me (fish) but as far as the other ones, i bought them too long ago to bring back. i even asked if i could be eligible to get the treatment free if i showed them how it affected my existing tank, he said he could only sell it to me... thats nothing new, i think he coulda done better. im new to the whole thing but i really think he coulda done more.. ill try to talk a little louder in the store or something im positive if im near the fish ppl will be discouraged, and hed be forced to do something or ppl would realise they're gonna get screwed over. i understand his point of view and everything but really.. he sold me something that ended up causing lots of damage.

at the very least i learned some stuff... i saw the first parasite thing and thought my fish was just missing a scale.. i coulda caught it very early, but thats what happens when you're a n00b :/
btw the first indication looked NOTHING like the pictures. and all those silvery things on him right now still dont look like the pictures, on the host fish. on the other fish however there are the "salt" things on him. i cant get to the store untill another couple hours, so ill be back later. thanks alot SMB :D

edit- should i be changing the water right now?

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