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Google Translate has improved a lot since its early days I see! Seems to have translated that in a pretty clear way, interesting.
Capisco. C'è un ritmo qui in cui tutti cercano di aiutare, e forse più dell'aiuto richiesto. Cercano di prevenire altri problemi. Aspettiamo la risposta di Colin. :)
Riproviamo dopo aver ottenuto la risposta immediata.
Due to much conflict locking the thread. Please remember to treat each other with respect
my priority right now are those "scratchings"
A few points.
1. It very well be that the symptoms you are observing come from issue addressed in some of the advice you have received. Though it may not seem like they are addressing your priority, they can be.
2. If someone gives you advice that you don't want or need, then ignore it.
3. As long as members are considerate and kind they are free to voice their opinions on your tank. This is a public forum. We only ask that conversations be polite, and focused on the hobby. If someone sees something in your post that they want to address but that you weren't looking to have addressed that's just the price of posting in a public place.
4. You can easily say, "Thanks for that advice. Will it help with the scratching?"

This post from Wills very well hits the mark. People ARE helping you diagnose the scratching.
The advice you are being given in my opinion is correct. Your fish are ill and showing symptoms by scratching or flashing, fish become susceptable to diseases or ill when they are not kept correctly. You will not fully resolve your issues without addressing the root causes.
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