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You did ask. Do you have short -term memory problems?
I'll remind you;

Then you were exceedingly rude to myself and someone else who took time out of their day to try to help you. What a waste of our time and yours. Next time, don't ask if you don't want to hear the answers. like i got a leak in the bathroom and you are saying why did you put the sink by the make me laugh
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Colin gave you the advice for that problem, I spotted another issue and made you aware of it. Since then you've been rude as you want to subject your fish to death and expect me to be understanding of it. You're killing your fish, this isn't opinion, its scientifically proven facts. I'm uninterested in helping you further as you haven't been receptive of my advice previously.
Offering you help isn't why there's wars in the world, but people like yourself keeping fish will always have the emergency threads of this forum active. Ta'ra
If i will see something wrong i will bring the fishes back to the i did with a bully male Molly...i am not rude...what make me upset is pointless need for that
OK... everyone can we please calm down. Deanasue’s thread was blocked due to this kind of behavior and I really don’t want to see any more of it.
Thank you...I joined this forum to sort out a problem...and I am still waiting for Colin reply...if i have been rude i do apologize...but right now i concern on the "scratchings" of my fishes and was appreciate any sort of advise in that direction...thats make me upset...
@poseidone please tone your language down and acknowdlege the people posting here are giving you free, excellent advice for your benefit. When you have disease in a tank which is likely what the scratching is, there is rarely a single cause. Colin does sound like he has got a lot right (as usual :) ) but AdoraBelle and Ellrog are right too that you need to resolve the basic issues in your tank to prevent issues coming back in the future.

Please address your attitude and you may find more people will be willing to help you.

@poseidone please tone your language down and acknowdlege the people posting here are giving you free, excellent advice for your benefit. When you have disease in a tank which is likely what the scratching is, there is rarely a single cause. Colin does sound like he has got a lot right (as usual :) ) but AdoraBelle and Ellrog are right too that you need to resolve the basic issues in your tank to prevent issues coming back in the future.

Please address your attitude and you may find more people will be willing to help you.

thank you!
@poseidone please tone your language down and acknowdlege the people posting here are giving you free, excellent advice for your benefit. When you have disease in a tank which is likely what the scratching is, there is rarely a single cause. Colin does sound like he has got a lot right (as usual :) ) but AdoraBelle and Ellrog are right too that you need to resolve the basic issues in your tank to prevent issues coming back in the future.

Please address your attitude and you may find more people will be willing to help you.

Mr Wills i am a newbie for sure...but you miss the point priority right now are those "scratchings" and i did reply to Mr Colin and I am still waiting for his reply...and I am sorry to say those "free and excellent advices" i don't need and i don't want ...are unappropriated ...unless are regarding the main problem...and are not issues...but's only one so far...i know it sounds arrogant or rude or whatever but I am not...the reason why I joined this forum is for those "scratchings" no more no fishes are happy at least they look so far...i spend hours watching them...and as professional diver i know so much stuff about fishes you can't imagine...but certain comments like why did you spill red wine on your white trousers ...why you didn't wear black one and so on...i find very irritating ...i am not here for this...i am here for those "scratchings" . Full Stop. If someone they got a proper answer fine , will be very appreciated and super very welcome...but those kind of answers and infiltrations in a dialogue if you are a moderator well...sorry to say you should block them first instance...because they are not replying on my question for an advice but they are just criticising and missing the main problem which really need to be sort it...i tried to explain...but they was still going on and on and missing still the main problem...and you are picking on me...if this is the I am amazed
The advice you are being given in my opinion is correct. Your fish are ill and showing symptoms by scratching or flashing, fish become susceptable to diseases or ill when they are not kept correctly. You will not fully resolve your issues without addressing the root causes.

My original request for you to adjust your tone and attitude still stands. People are trying to help you, you can choose how you want to respond to this, please choose to be polite and courteous to other members.
The advice you are being given in my opinion is correct. Your fish are ill and showing symptoms by scratching or flashing, fish become susceptable to diseases or ill when they are not kept correctly. You will not fully resolve your issues without addressing the root causes.

My original request for you to adjust your tone and attitude still stands. People are trying to help you, you can choose how you want to respond to this, please choose to be polite and courteous to other members.
Talking to a brick wall mate
This whole thread is going in a bad direction. If back and forth rudeness doesn't cease, I will be locking this thread. Fair warning.
i will ignore simple with no consideration...unless are genuine like Mr Colin did
No. I was going to step back and let it all go, ignored previous baiting responses, but not letting this go.

The advice you were given was genuine. It's still being rude and hostile to dismiss us as not being genuine!

I typed out several paragraphs explaining different conditions some of the fish you have need, and why it's a problem, taking time out of my day to try to help you and your fish. You apparently didn't want it (although I only bothered to type all that out because you asked if there was a problem with your stocking and said you were new to the hobby) or didn't like it, fine, whatever. But sarcastically calling me "Master" and your other hostile tone was uncalled for and rude.

You didn't like the advice you asked for, or decided you didn't want it after all, but it was given to genuinely try to help, and I'm not letting you play otherwise and try to invalidate me and my motives for giving the advice.
This whole thread is going in a bad direction. If back and forth rudeness doesn't cease, I will be locking this thread. Fair warning.

This whole thread is going in a bad direction. If back and forth rudeness doesn't cease, I will be locking this thread. Fair warning.
is going in bad direction and i tried to stop those funny comments...i joined this forum for help...from a community of people which are sharing the same passion...thats all i can say...everyone is adding words without considering my frustration for my poor fishes...i asked for help for those" scratchings" nothing else...why you go on and on...i don't understand...if you are unable to help in that direction there is no need for further comments or kind of help which right now is not fair...if i was a no sense person...i wasn't here and asking for least with this do you agree? My concern are my fishes and no one else... so please stop to add bad replies or any sort of negative attitude ...really is not needed
@poseidone, è importante considerare che i sintomi non sono necessariamente la causa, quindi devi prepararti affinché altri problemi si presentino. Questo è tutto. Loro vogliono aiutarti ed @Colin_T è in Australia.
Grazie per la anche la tua mi fa sorridere...un' acquario e' un ecosistema ed e' ovvio che altri problemi ci i ghiacciai si sciolgono la temperatura terrestre sale per via del buco dell'ozono..ovvio vero?...Ma il mio problema al momento...e sto cercando di spiegarlo ma mi sembra che un trapianto di cervello sia meno traumatico di un cambio d' non ho chiesto un parere su quali tipi di pesci ho nel mio acquario...bensi' perche ' i miei due platy adulti hanno questo strofinarsi su rocce e fondo...ed ancor di piu' ho chiesto non le cause ma i signor Colin e' l'unico che ha risposto anche se non cristallino al mio quesito...poi ci sono sempre quelli che per farsi belli dicono la io non ho bisogno di di risposte...ho provato in tanti modi a spiegarlo...anche ai a tutto rispondono tranne che al vero problema...ed e' un vero problema...altrimenti non starei qui a rompermi i coglioni a cercare di spiegare e trovare una soluzione...mi sa' che non rispondo piu' a nessuno e trovo un altro blog con gente piu' professionale...mi scuso se posso sembrare maleducato o chissa' che ma qui si sta uscendo fuori binario e non si considera il vero problema per cui io sono glielo spieghi non ci riesco e ci rinuncio...piacere io sono Alessio
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