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Hi....thank you very much for your message is very my very first aquarium with first setup in November and i got many things to learn and to know...i always listen everyone first but then i take my own decisions and the answer from Mr Colin above is the one i was needed...going back to you tetras they was 6 and two of them they had tetra disease so FOR NOW only 4...same for dwarf chain loaches they was 6 but 2 of them the very next day i bought them i found them one in the filter sponge and another one the following day in the middle of a plant...the tank has been set up with 3 different substrates...thats right 3 you reading well...soil, gravel and fine sand...funny enough Coridoras they love soil section...and as soon the problem which I am having in my tank which is actually the main reason of my post and with no offence was even more appreciated than the informations you gave which i do already forgot to say that if Borneo suckers are changing colour is because the water is too hot!!! Slowly slowly i will do some adjustments to your "schools" however i think fishes are like people...they got their own character and you will be surprised when you will see a fighting fish being chased in a very friendly way from a dwarf chain loach or when the male fighting fish is playing all day long with the output of the filter water swimming against the current and then turning quickly and enjoying the way back like a children slide without even considering the presence of 3 beautiful pretty girls from the same species which they play with guppies...and going back to you to keep these fishes as they deserve to be kept there is only one way...the wild...many thanks Master
Let us know how the fish are in 6 months time pal ?

Thank you AdoraBelle Dearheart for taking the time to post the provided information. It'll serve someone else well
Hi....thank you very much for your message is very my very first aquarium with first setup in November and i got many things to learn and to know...i always listen everyone first but then i take my own decisions and the answer from Mr Colin above is the one i was needed...going back to you tetras they was 6 and two of them they had tetra disease so FOR NOW only 4...same for dwarf chain loaches they was 6 but 2 of them the very next day i bought them i found them one in the filter sponge and another one the following day in the middle of a plant...the tank has been set up with 3 different substrates...thats right 3 you reading well...soil, gravel and fine sand...funny enough Coridoras they love soil section...and as soon the problem which I am having in my tank which is actually the main reason of my post and with no offence was even more appreciated than the informations you gave which i do already forgot to say that if Borneo suckers are changing colour is because the water is too hot!!! Slowly slowly i will do some adjustments to your "schools" however i think fishes are like people...they got their own character and you will be surprised when you will see a fighting fish being chased in a very friendly way from a dwarf chain loach or when the male fighting fish is playing all day long with the output of the filter water swimming against the current and then turning quickly and enjoying the way back like a children slide without even considering the presence of 3 beautiful pretty girls from the same species which they play with guppies...and going back to you to keep these fishes as they deserve to be kept there is only one way...the wild...many thanks Master

You seem annoyed that I'm even telling you this? You did ask if there was a problem with the stocking and what it was!

But I'm glad you know better than science and fish keeping experts like Ian Fuller since setting up your first tank in November....

I see you have much to teach me and the rest of the world!

I was trying to explain what the fish you have in there need, not being a "Master", as you so sarcastically put it. But enjoy the chaos and the other fish that will soon follow the ones you've already killed.
Having fish with different water requirements mixed together aswell as a male betta living with 3 females. All in such a tiny space, its a massacre waiting to happen
listen please or you give a proper advice for my real problem in my tank...or keep your opinions to yourself and open an aquarium shop and move on
listen please or you give a proper advice for my real problem in my tank...or keep your opinions to yourself and open an aquarium shop and move on
Theres multiple problems in your tank which are being diagnosed for your benefit. I'm not getting paid to help you. Keep your attitude to yourself. Your fish are going to kill eachother, I'm not going to be silent and ignore that. I care about the lives of the fish, not what makes your tank look pretty. On that note, jog on ya muppet
listen please or you give a proper advice for my real problem in my tank...or keep your opinions to yourself and open an aquarium shop and move on
Mr, I suggest in the future that you don't say this;
my tank? if i did something wrong please tell it's my very first aquarium
If you're then going to be rude and hostile to the people who try to help you not kill your fish.

What a disgusting way to treat people, and to treat fish. They're living beings, not toys for you to experiment on.
You seem annoyed that I'm even telling you this? You did ask if there was a problem with the stocking and what it was!

But I'm glad you know better than science and fish keeping experts like Ian Fuller since setting up your first tank in November....

I see you have much to teach me and the rest of the world!

I was trying to explain what the fish you have in there need, not being a "Master", as you so sarcastically put it. But enjoy the chaos and the other fish that will soon follow the ones you've already killed.
my post main and original post if you go on top of the page you will or you give an advise on that Master...or just move on...i didn't ask your opinion...about my fishes are happier than you for sure
Mr, I suggest in the future that you don't say this;

If you're then going to be rude and hostile to the people who try to help you not kill your fish.

What a disgusting way to treat people, and to treat fish. They're living beings, not toys for you to experiment on.
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Please help me
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Please help me
this is the help i need thank you
Mr, I suggest in the future that you don't say this;

If you're then going to be rude and hostile to the people who try to help you not kill your fish.

What a disgusting way to treat people, and to treat fish. They're living beings, not toys for you to experiment on.
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Please help me
my post main and original post if you go on top of the page you will or you give an advise on that Master...or just move on...i didn't ask your opinion...about my fishes are happier than you for sure

You did ask. Do you have short -term memory problems?
I'll remind you;
my tank? if i did something wrong please tell it's my very first aquarium

Then you were exceedingly rude to myself and someone else who took time out of their day to try to help you. What a waste of our time and yours. Next time, don't ask if you don't want to hear the answers.
this is the help i need thank you

My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Please help me
this is the problem in my tank nothing else
Mr, I suggest in the future that you don't say this;

If you're then going to be rude and hostile to the people who try to help you not kill your fish.

What a disgusting way to treat people, and to treat fish. They're living beings, not toys for you to experiment on.
you are not helping at all you are just criticising...just read the main post and reply otherwise is better silence
this is the problem in my tank nothing else

you are not helping at all you are just criticising...just read the main post and reply otherwise is better silence

Would hardly waste my time trying to help you again. Fool me once and all that. Not for some rude, hostile, ungrateful person.
You did ask. Do you have short -term memory problems?
I'll remind you;

Then you were exceedingly rude to myself and someone else who took time out of their day to try to help you. What a waste of our time and yours. Next time, don't ask if you don't want to hear the answers.
you don't give any just criticising thats what make me upset...i didn't ask for an opinion but for below if you want or otherwise move on and go back to life
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Theres multiple problems in your tank which are being diagnosed for your benefit. I'm not getting paid to help you. Keep your attitude to yourself. Your fish are going to kill eachother, I'm not going to be silent and ignore that. I care about the lives of the fish, not what makes your tank look pretty. On that note, jog on ya muppet
another arrogant useless...the one below is the problem in my tank from my original post
you are the typical example why there are wars in the world...i ask A and you answer B...God bless America...and me
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Please help me
another arrogant useless...the one below is the problem in my tank from my original post
you are the typical example why there are wars in the world...i ask A and you answer B...God bless America...and me
My poor Platies ( are 5 in total, 2 Adults and 3 little cuties which they born in my previous 64 lt tank ) are often "scratching" on whatever they got nearby...the adults one of them is still scratching but without abrasions the other one scratching and with abrasions. From time to time those abrasions are in different parts of the body. They start with a sort of discoloured tissue and then like from night time to the day time they become like serious injuries in white colour like part of the skin is fallen off and right now i saw that even one of the little cuties got 2 of those kind of stains on the body. I noticed also that the consistency of the poo has changed in white colour and stringy for the little ones ...while for the adults is alternating from normal to stringy white.
I took back to the shop a male Molly 4-5 weeks ago as he was visibly a bully and i thought that was the main cause ( stress for the others ).
i did use Interpet anti fungus and internal bacteria...last month... i do regular water changings and all water parameters are fine ( ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 etc. etc.
5 days ago all fishes they was gasping on the surface with exclusions of Bettas and Corydoras and because those "scratchings" i thought that was Ich, so i start to use Api white spot cure which in 5 minutes seems to work as the fishes they start to swim normally but now after 5 days they are still "scratching " and one of the Platies got this big white sort of ulcer on his body. Can be anchor worm? I am desperate and i don't like at all to use all those chemicals to be honest .
Please help me
Colin gave you the advice for that problem, I spotted another issue and made you aware of it. Since then you've been rude as you want to subject your fish to death and expect me to be understanding of it. You're killing your fish, this isn't opinion, its scientifically proven facts. I'm uninterested in helping you further as you haven't been receptive of my advice previously.
Offering you help isn't why there's wars in the world, but people like yourself keeping fish will always have the emergency threads of this forum active. Ta'ra
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