i did it!!

well done on the spwan but you realy should have thought ahead with feeding the fry, i use bbs and they hatch in a day but lose all the gdness after 24 hours.
clover said:
well done on the spwan but you realy should have thought ahead with feeding the fry, i use bbs and they hatch in a day but lose all the gdness after 24 hours.
i will be feeding BBS also, and hatching a batch every day....she can also gut load her BBS as to keep the value and nutrition up....
thanks guys :D i think i resolved the fry feeding problem. I got BBS ready now (going to hatch them today or tomrorow). And i have mw culture on the way (though it might not get here untilt eh fry's about 3 days old). Butt oday, they should be hatching, which means that 3 days from now they will be free swimming and looking for food, that buys me some time :D
Congratulations! I know they would do it :thumbs:

Good luck with the fry; I can't wait to hear about their development :wub:
oh not :/ guys i don't know what's happening, the eggs were laid from 2 - 5 pm yesterday, and i'ts now 10pm today, so it's been over 24 hours, the eggs are NOT hatching, i'm not seeing anything hanging down or floating :/ the bottom of teht ank is getting quite icky (with poop and stuff) i'm getting worried :-(
sometimes they can take over a day to hatch. dont worry. iim nto sure why you are worried about the poop though? :huh:
Sorry to hear about tha CC! :sad: Well, if it doesn't work out this time, re-condition the pair and start over, it's all you can do. You did a great job and it's not your fault. ;)
i dont' knw, it's just dirty (i got 2 pieces of betta pellets in there that i tried to feed the female but slilpped out inot the big tank), i'm afriad it'll encourage fungas growth and decrease hte number of eggs hatching :S

OH GOD I AM WORRYING MYSELF TO DEATH x.x this is nervewrecking!!! ahhhh :crazy:
Relaxing is probably more important than all the other stuff you have to do. :)

My spawn is going beautifully (I think I've only see 3 dead fry in two weeks, and I may have counted one twice)... and I attribute it to not worrying about things. My tank is probably dirtier than yours... hard to keep up with the snail poop. Can't wait until they're big enough to not get siphoned.
wow :D congrats :D!!!

sadly, i think i will be more disappointed than happy tomorrow :(

oh well, my first time, i guess i was being a litlte too optimistic about teh situation :( DON'T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS UNTIL THEY HATCH! :crazy:

still a good learning expierence, i messed up on quite a few things, so next time i'll be able to make it better and make SURE things so smoothly :sly: still nwated to at least raise one or two fry :(
yeah my breeding tanks might be consdiered by some as gross.

yes you are going to worry yourself to death...
i heard somewhere that people who worry more, die earlier...SO STOP! :D
haha :D yes i do worry about EVERYTHING...it's just the nature of me lol.

i'm now afraid to enter the fishroom and check on them :unsure: i refuse to go in there!!! :sad:
just keep waiting..

i saw no fry, and after the male put the eggs in the nest, he didnt do anything... i saw no fry at all... then when i went to clean out the tank, i saw some moving..

had 4 but 1 died... so i have 3 left...

good luck !

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