i did it!!

hey there :D thanks for all the advice :) dad is still picking up all the fry, he must be wearing out, poor little guy :look: the fry looks like they're doing alright, i just noicedt hat if they fall to the bottom of the tank they can't get themselves back up unless there's a little push and then they tumble all over the place andeventually end up back in the nest :X

i read on places that the water level should be lowered a bit after dad is taking out :/ getting lots of mixed messages now, i still got a few hours before the removal of dad though :thumbs:
Interesting, the only time I've heard of lowering the water even lower is if you need to take the dad out before they are free swimming, then you lower it so the babies can get back up to the nest a bit easier on their own. I don't really see a reason otherwise, nor have I ever heard of breeders doing it. <shrug>

I think the water level will be ok too. It's too risky to lower it at this point. Plants falling, OR fry being stuck to plants/glass and you don't see them etc..
My fry have all had about 12 gallons from the start (29 filled about 6 inches high). Some people spawn fry in 5 gallon tanks not even filled all the way. I doubt there's a set amount of water you need to have until they start getting bigger and have a noticable bioload.

help! :blink: i just took dad out like 2 minutes ago, and now all the fry are falling and lying on the bottom! they can't seem to get thier litte butts back up the nest :unsure: i have tried using a syrgine and giving them a litlte push but it's just not the same as having daddy crarry them up!!

i am panicking :|

Hands out of the tank for now. Calm down.

You need aeration in the tank if there is none. live plant can cause the water to be oxygen deprived with no air circulation.
I think messing with them is probably one of the worst things you can do for them, which is why I said you shouldn't fret. :)

I guess you could try putting the dad back... I'm not sure how long it would take before he goes out of nest-duties mode.

Or you could just wait. If they were already starting to swim horizontally chances are most of them will be mobile soon. If they weren't going horizontal yet you took him out too soon.
alrighty, i've calmed down a bit, and i vow never to touch that tank again!!!

kelly told me to put in an air stone to keep the water aerated, and i did, i noticed some more fry are moving around a bit, its' not to the surface, but they're just moving around the tnak. It lets me know that they are still alive :/

i'm going to be so worried about them :/ i tried to catch dad without disturbing too much stuff but he just wouldn't leave :-( i think most of hte fry have fallen out of hte nest, it looks like they're calling for thier daddy to pick them back up :-( i'm goign to cry :-( :sad:

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
awww, i can't believe how attached i am to the fry already!! i was almost in tears when i saw them all jsut lying there motionless like that!! :-( and i WILL cry if they stay that way!! c'mon baby bettas! get up, you can do it!!!

i am goign nuts over them, now i know why you love ur fry so much kelly! it's impossible not to get attached to them :S
They really don't do much for the first few days, everything sounds pretty normal. They're not just gonna hop up and swim around like livebearers :lol: There instinct is to stay low,stay still and stay well hidden.
thanks kelly and everyone else :) i feel much better now. i have to go pamper dad and make some nice fake plants for him adn give him a lot to eat :D

i hope your right about the fry :/ if i keep up with the oxygenated water they should be alright right? :unsure: this is so freaky, look at me i'm killin gmyslelf over it lol.
The same thing happened to me with my last spawn when I took dad out, freaked me out too, LOL. But I was told by my mentor to not worry about them, they would be fine. AND THEY WERE! hehe. So don't worry, I bet they'll all be up at the top or swimming around the bottom by tomorrow :) (mine were). They're tougher than they look, Lol.

Congrats again :)

(it's so funny, I was the same way as you, so I know exactly what you're going through, it gets easier with each spawn, Lol).

Just picture them in some dirty murky rice paddy every time you panic.

You should go back to how you felt when you didn't think you had any fry. That way every one that survives will be a blessing... rather than every one that dies (they will) being a failure.

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