I Can't Make Up My Mind

I'd get some but I like the bolivians just as much and they're better natured, but yeah that was like me when I first started. Thankfully I researched about eater conditions and aggression and stuff or I would've gotten 2 clown loach 4 silver tip tetras 4 serpae tetras 2 zebra danios 3 dwarf gouramis 2 common plec and a couple of firemouths.

PetSmart just got in some German Blue Rams & Bolivian Rams for only $6.99 each!!! That's right folks, only $7 a fish and the Bolivians were fairly large too. I may have to add another tank soon.................. :shifty:

Here in Central North Carolina they Rams are only available in 3 different stores: Aquarium Outfitters is the most expensive at $17 each or $30 for a pair. Their's are the largest and most colorful, but they're only warranteed for 7 days and these fish are notoriously fragile. Pet Supermarket has both GBR & BR for $10 each and again, only warranteed for 7 days. PetSmart's warranty is 15 days and at only $7 each I could afford to add 6 or 8 and let them pair off.

Check your local PetSmart and see if they have them yet..............in fact I'm going to spread the word with another thread on that topic!
Just called...$4.99 for Bolivian rams. No I need to figure out how to sex them before I go.
Mine have bolivians only but they're only $5.50!!!!! That's why I was tempted to get some! I'm going to pick them up when I'm back from spring break.
You guys are lucky...........but what's a couple of extra dollars for a fish you really want anyway?
Just a few extra dollars haha yeah my LFS has bolivians for $20 each with a 3 day guarantee so mine are definately coming from petsmart at that price and they look of good quality :)

Replace the word "cat" with "loach" and you get what I sing every day~ :p :p :p

I love loaches
I love every kind of loach
I just want to hug all of them
but i cant, cant hug every loach

So anyway,
I am a loach lover
and I love to loach
I'm sorry I'm thinking about loaches again
And again and again and again

I think about how many don’t have a home
And how I should have them
I think about how cute they are
And how their ears and the whiskers and the nose
I just love them
And I want them
And I want them in a basket
And I want little bow ties
I just love them
And I want them
To be on a rainbow
And in my bed
And I just want us to roll around

I think praecox rainbows are nice. Very purdy. But no bottom dwellers? No....no kuhlis??!?! :-(

How many times a day do you do this to your loaches?

Aww the pic won't work :( it was a guy with a big heart holding something that looked like a loach giving it a big hug saying I love you THIS much!
I'm going to return one of my platys. She is always really shy and looks unhappy. Always has her fins clamped and has been sick a few times.
So how does this sound:

3 Molly
2 platy
3-5 fry that I may keep in another tank
2 bolivians
6-10 tetras/harlequins (I'm looking at glowlights, pristellas, rummynose, cardinals, harlequins and I like serpaes but they're too aggressive right?)
2 pitbull plecs
3 pearl gouramis if I can fit them and I think the tank needs them.
After having a fairly quick skim read of the thread I see nobody suggested Golden tetras, mine hang around in a group all the time and even pal up with the two types of Harliquin I have as well as the black neons. Golden tetras are interesting in that if wild caught they are almost always a sparkling gold, but if captive bred a shiny silver. Mine are a shiny silver and quite pretty.

Also there are lots of other types of rainbow fish, but I cant be certain that all of them can be obtained easily overseas. Currently I am working on tracking down some Pacific Blue Eyes along with a few other native fish.

What about a couple of filter feeding shrimp like bamboo shrimp? They will add something quirky and different to the tank without hasseling the other fish.
I'm thinking 8 of one of these species of tetras: golden, silvertip,gold pristilla, serpae (I think these are out, right?), and cardinals are still a maybe but I'm thinking no.

Oh and on the shrimp do they have any specific care requirements? If I don't need to do anything for them then I could grab a pair. Thanks for the suggestion :good:
I'm thinking 8 of one of these species of tetras: golden, silvertip,gold pristilla, serpae (I think these are out, right?), and cardinals are still a maybe but I'm thinking no.

Oh and on the shrimp do they have any specific care requirements? If I don't need to do anything for them then I could grab a pair. Thanks for the suggestion :good:
silvertip tetras are monsters. I'd say no go on those.

The main care requirement of shrimp is to get fish which won't eat them. Which limits you to like. Glow light tetras.
Because the bamboo shrimp are a larger shrimp they should be fine with slightly larger fish. My cherry shrimp populations are living and constantly expanding with the following various inhabitants of my tanks. Guppys, sparkling gouramis, khuli loaches, Pakastani loaches, Siamese fighters (both male and female), various corydoras, Borneo Suckers, golden tetras, black neon tetras, and harliqins, bristle noses, I think that's almost all of my fish. The only fish you really have to avoid with shrimp are true predators like cichlids, gudgeons (except maybe some of the pygmy varieties), and fish with huge mouths.
I read a few sources saying silvertips were peaceful. How nippy are they?

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