I'd get some but I like the bolivians just as much and they're better natured, but yeah that was like me when I first started. Thankfully I researched about eater conditions and aggression and stuff or I would've gotten 2 clown loach 4 silver tip tetras 4 serpae tetras 2 zebra danios 3 dwarf gouramis 2 common plec and a couple of firemouths.
PetSmart just got in some German Blue Rams & Bolivian Rams for only $6.99 each!!! That's right folks, only $7 a fish and the Bolivians were fairly large too. I may have to add another tank soon..................

Here in Central North Carolina they Rams are only available in 3 different stores: Aquarium Outfitters is the most expensive at $17 each or $30 for a pair. Their's are the largest and most colorful, but they're only warranteed for 7 days and these fish are notoriously fragile. Pet Supermarket has both GBR & BR for $10 each and again, only warranteed for 7 days. PetSmart's warranty is 15 days and at only $7 each I could afford to add 6 or 8 and let them pair off.
Check your local PetSmart and see if they have them yet..............in fact I'm going to spread the word with another thread on that topic!