I Can't Make Up My Mind

Ok yes definately. I'm getting a new iPhone soon. One with a good camera! Will be able to get easy and fast pics up soon. Here's what I'm looking at here:
My 3 Molly
3 platy
3-5 fry that I may keep in another tank
2 bolivians
6-8 tetras/harlequins
3 otos/ 2 pitbull plecs (I am looking for these more)
3 pearls if I can fit them and I think the tank needs them.
otos are schooling fish, and fragile ones, at that. It's best to get a proper group of them.

I'm also urging you to cull any molly/platy hybrids that may pop out with this setup.
I'm looking for the 2 pitbulls. I had 8 of my otos but now I'm down to 2. :(
I've heard platy and mollys hybridize less than the other species of fish though.

Replace the word "cat" with "loach" and you get what I sing every day~ :p :p :p

I love loaches
I love every kind of loach
I just want to hug all of them
but i cant, cant hug every loach

So anyway,
I am a loach lover
and I love to loach
I'm sorry I'm thinking about loaches again
And again and again and again

I think about how many don’t have a home
And how I should have them
I think about how cute they are
And how their ears and the whiskers and the nose
I just love them
And I want them
And I want them in a basket
And I want little bow ties
I just love them
And I want them
To be on a rainbow
And in my bed
And I just want us to roll around

I think praecox rainbows are nice. Very purdy. But no bottom dwellers? No....no kuhlis??!?! :-(
I talked Zack out of having Mollys because they get big, get mean & gennerally mess up the community feel of the tank. They are colorful & awesome to look at but they're also pigs with the food & the resulting poop. Platys are just about the same but smaller & usually more colorful, what's not to like? Some still have a negative impact on the tank vibe but it's less of an impact due to their smaller size. His Lyretail female was chasing everything from the Neons to the Glass Cats. His male Sailfin was beautiful but he usually hid all the time so what's the point in having him?

Replace the word "cat" with "loach" and you get what I sing every day~ :p :p :p

I love loaches
I love every kind of loach
I just want to hug all of them
but i cant, cant hug every loach

So anyway,
I am a loach lover
and I love to loach
I'm sorry I'm thinking about loaches again
And again and again and again

I think about how many don’t have a home
And how I should have them
I think about how cute they are
And how their ears and the whiskers and the nose
I just love them
And I want them
And I want them in a basket
And I want little bow ties
I just love them
And I want them
To be on a rainbow
And in my bed
And I just want us to roll around

I think praecox rainbows are nice. Very purdy. But no bottom dwellers? No....no kuhlis??!?! :-(

I think you should add 3 more Kuhlis to your 20 gallon :hyper:
I like my mollys, they're very active and my trio all hang together so they're pretty. Crossfire I will get kuhlis for another tank.... Someday. How I wish I could get corys or kuhlis in a 5 gallon sigh.
My mollies ended up in with my African cichlids, they were aggressive towards everything. I have 7 praecox 2 males 5 females, they tend to school better with more flow in the tank. I've been trying to determine if this has an affect on schooling behaviour and it seems more flow seems to help with them and some of the tetras I keep.
Platies and swords will freely hybridize, in fact any platy or sword variety you'll find in a pet store is a hybrid between three species. I would just stick with the Platies and not add any other livebearers.
My mollies seem to be a very laid back trio. All 3 of them look like they may be a Molly platy hybrid I guess.
I have plenty of flow in my tank with a 350 gph filter in there.
I already have the platys and mollys but I won't add any more livebearers.
I like my mollys, they're very active and my trio all hang together so they're pretty. Crossfire I will get kuhlis for another tank.... Someday. How I wish I could get corys or kuhlis in a 5 gallon sigh.

Nothing is a better judge than experience & if you love your Mollys you should build your tank around them. :good:

As far as a nice looking Tetra I would look into Black or Red Phantoms. I've always wanted a nice group of these medium sized beautys but they just didn't go with what I already had.
My mollies seem to be a very laid back trio. All 3 of them look like they may be a Molly platy hybrid I guess.
I have plenty of flow in my tank with a 350 gph filter in there.
I already have the platys and mollys but I won't add any more livebearers.
Why not add the Cherry Barbs that youy already have in the other tank and increase their numbers? The color of the males that I have is the deepest, brightest red I've ever seen on any fish bar none. Also, the fact that the females colors are completely different kinda makes it like getting 2 different looks within the same shoal. If I remember right, you have 2 females in another tank so just add 2 males and rehome to the 29 gallon.
In the other tank I have a male and a female. They are supposedly a pair that has spawned, but Im not sure as the male is VERY shy. He always hides under the heater.
In the other tank I have a male and a female. They are supposedly a pair that has spawned, but Im not sure as the male is VERY shy. He always hides under the heater.

I bet he wouldn't hide so much if you got more of them in a bigger tank...................

I have 3 pair in a slightly larger tank with many semi aggressive fish & only 1 male hides in the fake root decoration. The funny part is that the one that hides is the most dominant one but apparently he needs he time alone. :blink: He pops out to put the rest of the Cherrys in their place & then gets back home inside the root.
How do you think they school and where in the water?
By the way, they have "Veiltail" Cherry Barbs at my local PetCo. One of my females is a Veiltail variation. She's hangs with the rest and no problems.
That's interesting. I'm not sure he was shy before I got him too, but I guess he could just be lonely and in a small tank.
How do they school and what area of the water do they occupy most? ^

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