try this
3 platys
3 mollys
1 swordtail(I find it kinda pointless to have a loner swordtail in the tank tbh)
3 permanent platy fry (10 ATM but they'll get weeded soon) (wouldn't they just become normal platys? that's a bit much for the tank)
6-8 tetras (still trying to decide. Maybe 6 bleeding hearts or 8 of something else like Von rios if I find any or lemons or something I like. Maybe 6 praecox rainbows. Anyone that have them know if they school well? (need a livebearers person's help on if these will even fit with the mollies and platies)
1 or 2 pairs of bolivians (I assume only 1 pair would fit?)
2 angels or a pearl gourami pair (trio?) (too small for angels imo)
3 6 otos (schooling fish) as a CUC and maybe a snail.
I'm not very knowledgable on livebearers cause they're not my thing
but basically try
3 platys
3 mollies (if they're okay in the tank, I've heard they get pretty huge, maybe stick with either platys or mollies. But once again, not my thing)
1 pair of bolivian rams (don't have to be a mated pair, any two rams would be fine in the tank, but make sure you only get 2. and not 1. 2.)
1m 2f pearl gouramis, (if the tank is big enough) I've heard they do better this way, gouramis to my knowledge don't pair like cichlids do, or just leave it at one pearl gourami
6 otos
I'm usually quick to suggest tetras, but I can't really think of any that "match"
bleeding hearts are more shoaling than schooling, and they get lazy as they mature
maybe try for some glow light tetras, they're good little guys
Also keep in mind that if you're breeding the livebearers, they might hybridize with each other, which just means lower quality fish (and god forbid we get livebearers in even lower quality than most of them already are) unless you plan on syphoning them down the drain or binning them or something.
May be best to thumb out some fish, it may be hard, but it is necessary to pick ones you like more than the other. I don't know why, but the above stocking with tetras or without seems like quite a bit for a 29 gallon tank. since half of it consists of fish that I don't care for, I can't exactly say "no, thats too much"
try for like
1 species of livebearer in group of 5 or 6
2 bolivian rams
pearl gouramis
otos if you really need them, though they're fragile in new tanks and honestly, your hands make the best clean up crew.