I Can't Make Up My Mind

How do you think they school and where in the water?

They only school when I change the water or sometimes when the light comes on. They aren't like Neons or Glowlights. The best schooling fish in my big tank are the Lemons, but their color is washed out next to the CHerry Barbs & Von Rios. The Von Rios also don't school very well for the record.

Oh, and the Cherry Barbs hang out lows to middle in the tank. Every once in awhile they shoot up to the top for flake food at the surface but normally they're making little personal territories amongst the plants. They chase each other playfully but relentlessly sometimes..........................
Hmmm ok. I kinda want a nice school to look at though. My cardinals did a good job. I liked them but they're really expensive here. I'll have a look and see which schoolers appeal most to me :)
To loach = wiggling on the floor in Loach form; rooting for food in the carpet. The occasional speedy escape to a closet is accepted as loaching.
I'd get some but I like the bolivians just as much and they're better natured, but yeah that was like me when I first started. Thankfully I researched about eater conditions and aggression and stuff or I would've gotten 2 clown loach 4 silver tip tetras 4 serpae tetras 2 zebra danios 3 dwarf gouramis 2 common plec and a couple of firemouths.
That would've been an epic fail.................... :crazy:
My hubby said yes to me buying my 75g because he thought we could get a bala shark :blush:
My 3 Molly
3 platy
3-5 fry that I may keep in another tank
2 bolivians
6-8 tetras/harlequins (I'm looking at glowlights, pristellas, rummynose, cardinals, harlequins and I like serpaes but they're too aggressive right?)
2 pitbull plecs
3 pearls if I can fit them and I think the tank needs them.

How does that look? What about the tetra selections?
To loach = wiggling on the floor in Loach form; rooting for food in the carpet. The occasional speedy escape to a closet is accepted as loaching.

:good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

Loaching can also be like planking, except you wiggle to and fro as a loach would :hyper:
My 3 Molly
3 platy
3-5 fry that I may keep in another tank
2 bolivians
6-8 tetras/harlequins (I'm looking at glowlights, pristellas, rummynose, cardinals, harlequins and I like serpaes but they're too aggressive right?)
2 pitbull plecs
3 pearls if I can fit them and I think the tank needs them.

How does that look? What about the tetra selections?

I like my Glowlights in my 20 gallon. I was going to give them to my father but they've grown on me. They school as well as the Neons or better even. They just aren't as colorful overall as Neons or Cardinals. They do have a cool look when you see them facing you, their eyes are neon orange! The problem with them in my particular tank is that I already have alot of yellow, gold & orange color in the fish that I have in that tank. Even the Mystery Snail is the golden yellow variety.

To loach = wiggling on the floor in Loach form; rooting for food in the carpet. The occasional speedy escape to a closet is accepted as loaching.

:good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

Loaching can also be like planking, except you wiggle to and fro as a loach would :hyper:


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