I Can't Make Up My Mind

Oh and in case I wasn't clear when I said
"what would I feed them? How many would you get 5?"
I was talking about the bamboo shrimp just in case it wasn't clear.
being scavengers, they'll eat anything, but they filter feed, fanning out their little pom pom things in front of a powerhead to eat. They can pick food off the ground when desperate, but it's not good for them to do that full time. I tried having a group in my 37 at one point which has enough filtration to keep my 75 running, but the flow wasn't enough for them, so I had to take them back.

Also keep in mind that cherry shrimp are super tiny and pretty much anything will make a snack out of them.

I'd scrap the shrimp idea in general.

Also keep in mind that cherry shrimp are super tiny and pretty much anything will make a snack out of them.


I was talking about bamboo shrimp :/ :?: these are actually pretty big..... I've seen some like 3-4" big.
Ok I've got a better idea, I'll just get corys for my other tank and not in here! All works out! I get corys and not too heavily stocked!

I just want the clown plec because they look cool. I do have real driftwood :good: so maybe an SAE for algae? Less bioload than 2 plecs :/
My filter is kind of like a filter and power head in one. It creates quite a bit of flow since it's 350 gph. What would I feed them? How many would you get 5?

I'll just stick with a tetra school then and go with 8-10. Since I wont have corys in this tank, I guess I'll continue to just contemplate sand.

3 Molly
2 platy
3 fry that I may keep in another tank
2 bolivians
8-10 tetras (glowlights, pristellas, rummynose, cardinals, or goldens).
1 clown plec and 1 SAE
2 cherry barbs
5? bamboo shrimp

I have lots of flow!
Nevermind on the bamboo shrimp. I'm not buying 5 of them when they'll be hard to feed and cost $10 at petco and $25 at my LFS!!!!!!!!!! That's outrageous!!! :!:
Your tank is plenty big enough for 8 False Juliis, I'd go back to that plan. Corys are not just fun to watch but they scavenge practically non stop, cleaning up all the scraps that the other fish don't eat. You'll still have enough space for a decent school of Cardinal or Glowlights, like maybe 10-15 since they're small.

I think it's the Mollys and Platys that make your tank overstocked. I know they're your original, favorite fish & all but they have a large bio load per fish. I've read many places that Mollys should be kept in a minumum of a 40 gallon like a breeder size, where they have a wide long area to swim in and extablish individual territories. I know you only plan on a pair but with the added Platys & the "assorted fry" you'll be overun in no time. If you have 2 Molly males OR females but not a breeding pair, I'd think that would be okay. You'd probably be better off with Platys instead of the Mollys because you could have more of them, again, same sex.
I think I'm going to skip bottom feeders in this tank, since I'm going to have a few false Juliis in my other one but I may become attached to them :)
I understand where you're coming from on the mollies and platies but the platies are both female and the mollies have never had any fry in the almost 6-7 months I've had them (unless I didn't see it?) and I don't really want to get rid of them since the 1st has survived my only 3 ich breakouts and the 2nd of the 3 has survived 2 and the 3rd has survived one. These 3 also school together and are a happy trio that add life and color to my tank. I'd much rather keep them and skip on the corys. :) just my POV

On the tetras then I'll get maybe 10-15 then if I go for cardinals or glowlights then 8-12 if I choose pristellas. Those are the 3 I'm now deciding between.

Any advice on if SAE are good algae eaters?
Your tank is plenty big enough for 8 False Juliis, I'd go back to that plan. Corys are not just fun to watch but they scavenge practically non stop, cleaning up all the scraps that the other fish don't eat. You'll still have enough space for a decent school of Cardinal or Glowlights, like maybe 10-15 since they're small.

I think it's the Mollys and Platys that make your tank overstocked. I know they're your original, favorite fish & all but they have a large bio load per fish. I've read many places that Mollys should be kept in a minumum of a 40 gallon like a breeder size, where they have a wide long area to swim in and extablish individual territories. I know you only plan on a pair but with the added Platys & the "assorted fry" you'll be overun in no time. If you have 2 Molly males OR females but not a breeding pair, I'd think that would be okay. You'd probably be better off with Platys instead of the Mollys because you could have more of them, again, same sex.

Oh yeah and the 3 fry will prolly be in another tank. I've only got 7 fry ATM because I returned 10 to petco the other day :(
I'm updating my sig now just so you can see what I've got but would a bn and a clown plec be too much bioload wise and do SAE do a good job?
Crikey, you got those false julii fast, your Lfs must be very close to you
Instead of a clown and a SAE how about 1 L 135 (rio-Negro/candy striped pleco) ? They look similar to clowns but sound a little more active/hardy only get about 4 inches and eat algae and leftover food. Any thoughts please?
I have 4 tanks total now. I always had gravel in my tanks but I thought I'd try sand in one. Well I can tell you that sand is WAY WAY WAY better. They are a lot easier to clean and maintain. As time goes by, I'm going to switch all my tanks to sand. I also noticed with sand tanks, I don't get algae out breaks. Probably because the leftover food doesn't get trapped down in the gravel. Setting up of a sand tank can be a pain. ( Wash the sand, wash the sand, wash the sand and wash it again and again!!) The tanks will cloud up when you add the water but it will settle in a day or two. I'll never do gravel again. Oh, and you can buy sand at a pool supply place, $15 for 50 lbs.!! The first tank I set up with sand, I bought at petsmart and it was like $28 for 20 lbs. IT'S THE SAME SAND !! Tell your dad he is mistaken. I'm a father of four teenagers and you'd be surprised how often I'm wrong. (Just don't tell my kids that :D )
Instead of a clown and a SAE how about 1 L 135 (rio-Negro/candy striped pleco) ? They look similar to clowns but sound a little more active/hardy only get about 4 inches and eat algae and leftover food. Any thoughts please?

@cazgar- what do you mean I got them fast?

@mcqc4- i know I've got 1 sand tank and I love it, but I want something different for this tank and my gravel suits me well I guess.
Instead of a clown and a SAE how about 1 L 135 (rio-Negro/candy striped pleco) ? They look similar to clowns but sound a little more active/hardy only get about 4 inches and eat algae and leftover food. Any thoughts please?

@cazgar- what do you mean I got them fast?

@mcqc4- i know I've got 1 sand tank and I love it, but I want something different for this tank and my gravel suits me well I guess.
One of my platies jumped ship so here's the new list:

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