How To Help A One Day Old Baby Cory Survive And Grow?

He maybe blind but your steps make the water move, and it feels that! :lol:

I may be looking scary but I haven't reached a full grown bear size yet to be shaking the ground when I move :lol:
there are some nice videos you have there i love arm poor little guy :) i can only dream for my laser cory to breed :) but i shall try some day haha, how often did your albinos spawn eggs? i hope you have better luck in the future with the egg hatching and my fingers are crossed for your little guy's survival :)
They've been spawning quite often since they got moved to this tank. In the previous tank they had a break of a month or so but spawned every 2-3 weeks on regular basis. Problem is I always had them in community tanks and the guppies nibble the eggs at the same time the coyrs spawn :grr: Their spawns are tiny though. I've only found like 15 eggs max at a time and so far one egg hatched from all attempts.
The corys are still young enough as they've grown loads since I got so I am hoping eventually they'll lay so many eggs that the guppies can't manage to eat :lol:
hahahaha poor cory's all that effort haha thanks tho :) lucky guppies :)
Just a quick update. The cory is 4 weeks old now(tomorrow) and growing. Poor little thing is still in the plastic breeder box but although it's too big to be eaten by any of the fish I am afraid it still can't compete for food with them so he/she will stay in it's little prison for another while :sad:
He has grown a lot, probably just a bit shorter than a 2 month old guppy fry!!

Here is a short video but TURN OFF the volume!!! :blush:
Yeah, the pink spot in the right corner :lol:
On the video the cory is the closest to the camera so it looks bigger than the guppies swimming at the back but it isn't. It is actually slightly shorter than a small neon tetra or an endler for example or a young guppy.
My little cory is going stronger and looks like a proper cory now but I am still afraid he would die.
I had found eggs on the powerhead that weren't eaten by the guppies presumably because the flow is a bit strong. I moved them to a net next to the powerhead. The eggs seemed to have hatched but I found just dead bodies. I think the flow was too strong there.
In the mean time there were more eggs layed on the powerhead. I only moved them to the net today, a bit away from the flow this time and I have 10 little wiggles swimming around!!!

And a not so good picture of the lonely baby cory. I am wondering if it's big enough to find food with the adult corys now?

Thanks. I hope I am lucky enough to get a few more survivors.

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