How To Help A One Day Old Baby Cory Survive And Grow?

Whats the plant your back corner? I want something with that kind of blossoming out shape. :) Hows your cory baby? I hope still overactive!
Maybe I could by a bigger plastic box and set it up with a heater and a sponge filter? Would that work until they grow beyond snack size?

If your set on raising them and dont have another tank, there is no reason why that wont work. All of the inhabitants from my 80ltr spent a weekend in a plastic storage box while i rescaped their tank, they seemed perfectly happy. I wrapped a few sheets round it and left them all weekend, but there are people that have done it for much longer (as a 80ltr doesnt take long to scape!)
Thanks. I'll try setting up something then.

The cory is still alive and wiggling around.


About the plant, which corner do you mean?
Generally, all the plants I have are different species of anubias, two types of echinodorus(Echinodorus cordifolius right and Echinodorus cordifolius left side of tank), java moss and a brazilian pennywort.

Edit: forgot, at the very back of the tank I have Hygrophila corymbosa ''Glabra'' which is growing nicely.
Great work with the fry! Have you tried putting a drop of methylene blue or anti-fungus in your water where you keep the eggs? With the amount of plants you have in the breeder your fry should find enough infusoria to feed off.
I don't have any antifungus meds, so I haven't tried putting anything yet. If they spawn bigger than 7-10 eggs at a time I will certainly try.
As for the cory fry, hope it survives. It seems to be eating and looking for food like a grown cory behaves but I also drop fry powder 2-3 times a day too.
The hard part is vacuuming the left overs, snail poo and snail eggs with a syringe 3-4 times a day :crazy:
My albinos are gone absolutely nuts swimming around the tank. I just saw a few legs being laid.
I turned off the lights again hoping the guppies won't see them before I can collect a few :angry:

The other batch that is in a separate box hasn't hatched but I don't see any fungus on them yet.
Wow, it really looks as if spring has arrived, eh?! Good luck! How big is your group of albinos? Are it the same 2 spawning the whole time, or are more than 1 female involved?

I have a group of 6 albinos, 3 are males and 3 females. I originally had 4 when they first spawned. I've seen all 3 females laying eggs but not at the same time. They differ slightly by colour and size(one slightly smaller, one more golden, one pinkier :lol: ) so I can recognize them with no problem. When they start spawning, all 6 corys go nuts all over the tank so I am not sure how are the rest 5 involved if only one female is laying eggs at a time :S

I ain't having any luck with hatching the eggs though.
So far many spawns and just the one cory who seems to be ok so far.
Not a great video, but you can just about see the pink spot in the middle bottom of the breeder trap emerging from under the plants.

And while I was arranging my breeder boxes/nets for cory eggs, I pushed one of the breeder nets half way down under the water to free some space on top for the other net that has the one egg the guppies didn't eat.

And here goes the pleco, a cory and a few guppies straight into it thinking its the new toy :lol:
It was a like a treehouse :lol: And the one cory wasn't allowed to play.
Here is another video of the cory.
You can see it infront of the moss ball in the beginning of the video.
It's funny how it has a seethrough body and you can see all it's insides. I am presuming it will colour up like the albinos eventually?

Turn off the volume!!! :lol:
I am sick of vacuuming snail poo and removing snail eggs. You can see the 4 big snails that I have nursed along with the cory.
They are out!!!
The little cory is looking a bit like a cory now. I can't wait until it's big enough not to fit into the filter intake tube :blush:
When do you think I should start giving it slightly bigger food than baby powdered flakes? He/she is 12 days old now.
I was going to upload this video this morning but forgot.

The cat was driving me nuts pawing at the fish tank and was punished in the corridor twice. Anyway I took a video of him trying to have fish for breakfast

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