How To Help A One Day Old Baby Cory Survive And Grow?

The cory is in the tank with the adults from yesterday. Seems to be enjoying the space but I am a bit afraid of it finding enough food.
I moved the newly hatched babies into his home. All was fine today until I looked at the tank and saw that the breeder box had fallen into the water with a guppy inside it nipping at the little babies. I managed to save some, I think about 6. I found 1 dead one after the incident and one fell in the tank. I saw it a couple of times after but by the time i tried to save it it disappeared. :sad:
The box fell again and the guppies nearly ate all. 2 corys left. :sad:
The teenage cory is absolutely enjoying the big tank though. I hope I'll manage to grow these two too.
aww what a shame :sad:

i hate them breeder boxes, i use to clip them to the side of the tank with a peg...
The teenage little cory kept to himself since he was let out in the big tank, minding his own business and not mixing with the other corys at all but when I woke up this morning he was racing around with the big boys and girls. It was so funny because he/she is so much smaller but behaving like a grown up.

The interesting part is that the albinos and gold laser corys do swim(shoal?) together and not within their own type.
The lonely platy male in the same tank sticks to the corys too and follows them around all the time. I think it's time to move some more platies to this tank.
Small cories are the cutiest fish ever. I got my camera back from repair and I will take a video of the cory.
Well, this is a not so professional video of the small cory. He/she is in love with the roots of the anubias and spends all his time sniffing them around.
lol I was watching the vid, and my 2 1/2 year old was sitting here saying "Wah doing Momma, What doing?, Wah doing Momma, What doing, Wah doing Momma......" Until I went crazy.

I, however, could see the fry fine and thought it was adorable. :lol: It looks so active and healthy. :wub: :wub: :wub:
Just an update that the baby albino cory is nearly as big as the laser corys and is a healthy and happy chap/chappess. So with a bit of an effort, baby corys can survive to a non snack size in a breeding trap. I'll get a video once I find the camera charger.

Edit: Just to mention that the new batch of cory babies got all eaten by the guppies and I haven't tried to save any eggs anymore(they get eaten too).
And off topic, but the yellow male platy that was trying to school with the corys got two new red male platy friends from my other tank. Unfortunately they won't accept him in their pack of two and have been kicking the #105### and flaring at him since. It's been like that for a few months now but he is till trying to become friends with them. The two reds are inseparable, like shadows of each other. I don't know is it because of the colour difference or because the two reds are brothers and the yellow from another mom? Who knows. I don't have anymore yellows to try out.
The crazy cory in the beginning of the video is the baby cory. It's hard to see on the video but he/she is about 2/3rds the adult albinos moms and dads.

I don't know what happened to the above links and can't edit my post, but this was him/her back in April:
I was finally able to save about 30-ish cory eggs. The clowns normally eat them at the same time the corys lay them but I kicked their asses away today :lol:

And I just ordered a Juwel Korall 60 tank and a U2 filter as I don't trust the internal it comes with. Can't wait to set it up for cory fry!!! I am wondering if the U2 filter will suck up cory fry?

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