How To Help A One Day Old Baby Cory Survive And Grow?

Can anyone recommend any food I can purchase for this little guy?
So far I have the hikari and tetra baby powdered food. I bought the liquifry but it's the version 1 so no sure if this will do.
What type of live/preferrably frozen type of mini worms/food is recommended for the cory fry?
I know I am talking to myself here but I hate threads with no updates :lol:
Any ideas what food I should be giving my cory fry? :rolleyes:

Anyway, just a short update. The baby cory is growing and every day spent with it is a blessing. It will be so nice if it survives growing in a breeder net all on it's own. It's only a couple of weeks old now so I don't have my hopes too high yet.
It looks like a mini albino cory version, only it is still see through and I can see all the biological processes going on :lol:
my pandas all seem to be happy and developing well.

for first two weeks, i fed them 3 times a day and alternated between:
Hikari First Bites
Frozen Rotifers
Spectrum Fry Starter (red powder stuff)
Liquid Fry

then dropped it back to twice a day, ommitting liquid fry from menu.

after about 4 weeks i started feeding them once a day. one day i decided to only put Hikari Mini wafers in to see if the fry will eat it..and they i cut out the baby food at that point.

however, even the adult hasbrosus/pygmy cories were eating the baby/powdered i am confident the fry can eat it for a long time.
I'm so jealous of your baby cory. He is so cute and squirmy. Want a 2 year old in exchange? He is easy to feed.
Thanks chokko. I only don't have the hikari rotifiers and spectrum fry starter. I just ordered the spectrum one from e-bay but I may have trouble getting the hikari frozen rotifiers.
I tried feeding the liquifry food once but I don't know if I got the right version of it and it looked really liquid like/awkward. The pleco then sucked it out from outside of the breeder box in which the cory is in and I never put it again :crazy: . The cory has probably grown too big for it I guess at two weeks
Any other frozen/worm food typ I can get?
I'm so jealous of your baby cory. He is so cute and squirmy. Want a 2 year old in exchange? He is easy to feed.

Don't be jealous. It's such a hard work growing one cory baby :hey: I am doing water changes of 100 milliliters each twice a day the minimum :flex:
Hi snazy :)

It's a little too late now, but one of the very best early foods for corys is the mulm that comes out of your filter. It's loaded with microscopic critters that will get your fry off to a great start.

I don't like using a liquid fry food because it pollutes the water and leaves a residue on the bottom of the tank that can become a breeding place for harmful bacteria. The most important things you need to know to raise cory fry is that they require lots of food and a very clean environment.

It's not too soon to start thinking about your corys giving you another batch of eggs. What will you do if/when this happens?
Better late than never :lol:
Thanks. It's good to know I can use filter dirt :whistle:
I will eventually try to setup my small tank for cory fry but it will take a bit of time to be converted from an undergravel filter tank to a sand sponge one.
But of course I first have to succefully hatch some eggs as I am finding it impossible for some reason :eek:
If you are having trouble hatching eggs, it would probably improve your chances if you set aside a breeding/fry raising tank. This is a picture of the spawn just two wild caught C. aeneus gave me. After taking the picture, I moved them to another tank, spread a little of sand on the bottom, and set up a couple of airstones under the eggs. When they hatched they were all set to go.

Bronze C. aeneus spawn.jpg

Moving the eggs by hand is not the easiest thing to do because they are so easily damaged. It's a lot safer to spawn them where they will stay to hatch and grow.
It will be a while till I move my livebearer fry to male/female tanks respectively and then I can tear the 7G tank down and get it ready for cory fry!!!

My little one is really cute now, shaped like a proper cory but so tiny. I am trying to get a proper picture/video of him but he is too white/seethrough to be properly seen when my crappy camera is used. I can't believe he fell through the breeder box holes two weeks ago. He/she is deffinately several times bigger.
And whoever says albino corys are blind is wrong!! The moment I approach the tank and the mini cory hides under his moss ball :lol:

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