How Many Plecos Would You Get?

Most of those will be fine together as long as you provide aquaqate hiding places. The only two I would question are the L191 and the L240. L191 is a Panaque, which means it should be primarily fed on wood. Putting it in a tank where the other inhabitants require high protein foods can cause health problems over time for Panaques which can eventually result in death. The L240 will get to around 9-10" and can be very territorial to other large plecs, including L191 which will also get pretty large, albeit pretty slowly. I'd start off by stocking with the other plecs on the list and see how you go from there.
The Blue Fin is gorgeous, one of my favourites.
I found the Blue Phantom to be very sensitive and sadly, mine died.
I've heard from a few people that Golden Nuggets can also be sensitive and they have lost them for no reason.
I keep Congo Tetras, Pentazona and Ticto Barbs with mine. The tank was set up for the Plecs and we planned stocking around them.
This was my tank when I first set it up, there's more wood and rock in there now though!


Look forward to seeing your pics!

Hi Stang

as promised some pictures of 1 of my tanks

The Blue Fin is gorgeous, one of my favourites.
I found the Blue Phantom to be very sensitive and sadly, mine died.
I've heard from a few people that Golden Nuggets can also be sensitive and they have lost them for no reason.
I keep Congo Tetras, Pentazona and Ticto Barbs with mine. The tank was set up for the Plecs and we planned stocking around them.
This was my tank when I first set it up, there's more wood and rock in there now though!


Look forward to seeing your pics!

Hi Stang

as promised some pictures of 1 of my tanks


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