How many pets do you have?

Not counting fish, how many pets do you have?

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I have 5! I have 2 dogs: Honey- a 9 year old collie/Alsation cross who is absolutely mad and she has brain damage. Harley - a bouncy, sweet 4 year old golden retriever who although he is really big for a retreiver he is scared of EVERYTHING, including my guinea pigs!!! I also have 2 guinea pigs: Elmo- an 18 month old light brown and white male guinea pig. And Elmo's brother Mr.S- an 18 motnh old dark brown and white male guinea pig, the two of them no longer live together because they fight. And then there is also my horse who I have on part loan, his name is Henry, he is a 16HH Irish draft and is very gentle and docile.

Well that's all I've got (for now at least)
I have

4 Cats: Boo female, Duster male, Tiger male, Sweet Pea male

2 Ferrets: Little One, female and Squeaks, female

3 Rats: Clyde male, Bonnie female, and Baby female

1 Cockatiel: Donny

2 Snakes, no names one is a Western Hog Nose and one is a Gardner snake

1 Chinese Water Dragon: Puffer (Like Puff the Magic Dragon lol)

1 Snapping Turtle hatchling, no name yet we just call him turtle.

1 Hermit Crab, no name

That is all I have right now, in the past I have had many more. B)
i have 7.

A puppy named Morgan whos a black lab mix

A 5 year old yellow lab mix named roscoe

2 cats named Rufus and Kira

2 hermit crabs who my little siblings names kimberly and max

A hamster named butterball.
I only have 1 - a longhaired albino guinea pig called Ruby (he used to have a little friend, but she passed away last month :( ).


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Mornin' :D

Right I've got:

Nine Chickens - Including a Buff Orpington named Poultry
Six Cats - Lexx, Kyra, Larian, Neesah, Maddison, Jana
One Rabbit - Lazlo
One Hamster - Shepton
One Umbrella Cockatoo - Calla
One Indian Ringneck Parrakeet - J.D
Four Praying Mantids
Three Tarantulas
Two land Hermit Crabs - Frog & De' Laney
One dog (lives with parents) - Bella

:wub: :D

The Too' Zone
The Fluffy Zone
I have *takes a deep breath* :

Part-quarter horse gelding - Red
Part-Arabian gelding - Starr
Rottweiler puppy - Misao
Lab/Beagle mix - Lady
Pitbull/Sharpei mix - Beethoven
Wild pig (gelded) - Chester
Wild pig (baby) - Samble
Finch - Sweet
Pigeon - Bully *sweatdrop* I named him when I was a kid...
Pigeon - Angel
Pigeon - Aphrodite
Pigeon - Metrino
Red-eared slider - Biscuit
Red-eared slider - Mercedes
Red-eared slider - Shura
Cat - Recon
Cat - Bravo
Cat - Alpha
Cat - Ghost
Cat - Felix
Cat - Gigi
Cat - Vertigo
Cat - Miko
Cat - Dazzle
Cat - Sparkle
Cat - Crystal
Kitten - not named yet
Kitten - not named yet
Kitten - not named yet
Buff Orpington hen - Peepers
Buff Orpington/Fighting chicken hen- Trooper
Silver Laced Wyandotte hen - Stripes
Dark Cornish/Black Giant hen - Lookout
Fighting chicken Hen - Mirage
Dark Cornish hen - Girly
Part Buff orpington hen - Squaw ( I didn't name her...)
Part Silky Bantam hen - Esmeralda
Fighting chicken hen - Diva
Fighting chicken hen - Teela
Fighting chicken hen - Spooky
Fighting chicken rooster - Zanzibar
Partridge Rock/Fighting chicken rooster - Lieutenant
Fighting chicken rooster - Snowflake
3/4 Fighting chicken rooster - Snowball
Fighting chicken rooster - Desert Storm
3/4 Fighting chicken rooster - Star Spangled Banner
Fighting chicken rooster - marine
Fighting chicken rooster - Snowstorm
Fighting chicken rooster - Jack
Fighting chicken rooster - Fuego
Fighting chicken rooster - Sarin
Fighting chicken rooster - Red Storm Rising
1/2 Fighting chicken rooster - Camoflage
Fighting chicken rooster - Oso
Black Australop/Arucana rooster - Phantom
Fighting chicken rooster - Two-Tone-Toes (I didn't name him either)
Pearl leghorn rooster - didn't like, so I didn't name him
Pearl leghorn rooster - same as above
Pearl leghorn rooster - same as above
Buff Cochin Bantam rooster - Spike
Bantam rooster - Sasha
Bantam rooster - UV Rays
Rooster - not named
Bantam rooster - Lemon Creme Pie
Bantam rooster - Lemon Drop Kid
Bantam rooster - Spunky

And before you ask, I don't fight my chickens in chicken fights... Alot of them were rescued when people threw them away.

Hope I didn't forget anyone! XD

we have

1 Black and White domestic cat - Charlotte (female)
1 Grey Domestic cat (most like part burmese) - Mojo (male)
1 Pure Bread Medium Hair Border Collie - Shakeela (female)
1 Jack Russell x Mini Fox Terrier - Chloe (female)
1 Rainbow Lorikeet - Scatch (male?)
1 Dwarf x Regular Rabbit - Bonnie (female)

Soon to have fish.
:p I Love Telling People About My Pets! I Have 3 Red-Eared Sliders, 2 Boxers, 3 Dwarf Hamsters and as you can probally tell by My Siggy A WHOLE Lota fish But when I voted in the poll I did'nt count them
Ok, not including fish (see signature for those) we have:

Huge shorthair tabby tomcat - Ziggy
Small shorthair tabby queen - Harley
Blue-grey shorthair queen - Bloo
Tiny longhair black & white queen - Phuz
Sleek black shorthair queen - Woolly
Fat blue & tortie queen with a stumpy tail - Calico
Lanky brain damaged ginger tomcat - Charles

4 inch Moorish Gecko-Curly
24 inch Asian Softshell turtle- Bob
Sandy shorthair male - Gonads
Pure white longhair female - Cotton

BlueFront Amazon- Ozzy
Galah Cockatoo - Rosie
WhiteEye Conure - Egg
Nanday Conure - Biscuit
Fischer's Lovebirds - Bagpuss & Emily
Cockatiels - Pineapple, Bernard & Number Three
Kakarikis - Mrs Loki & Loki Jr

That's a total of 22 non-fish pets.

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