How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

3X guppies

4X female bettas

2X angelfish
5X cories
1X talking catfish
1X lemon tetra (all her friends died...)

Total: 16

Running total: 6693
6x blackskirt tetras
7x cardinal tetras
3x German blue Rams
7x Corys
2x Gold Dojos
2x Neon Rainbows
1x Clown Pleco
1x Pink Kissing Gourami

My Total:29

Running Total: 6722
Wow this threads is still around!? Well, I got a reef tank now so add 9 fish, and 16 Tiger barbs so...

Wow this threads is still around!?

Haha I know, I was surprised to see it again too! I thought it died back in August.

But oh well! There's probably heaps of new member now who can contribute. Maybe we can crack 10,000...

I guess I should be proud that none of my fish have died since then, my number is still exactly the same now :)

Carry on!
2x male bettas
5x female bettas
1x penguin tetra
1x black widow tetra
2x cardinal tetra
2x golden panchax
2x pearl gouramis
2x three spot gouramis
2x golden gouramis
4x Bronze corys
6x khulis
1x CAE
1x BN plec
2x Bolivian Rams

33 Total (soon to be more)

So final score is now : 7013
For now I have:

6 silvertips
5 black neons
5 neons
2 dwarf gourami
2 kribs
1 L128

total = 21

running total = 7135

[edit: posted at same time as joecoral... :rolleyes: ]

20 mixed guppies
1 Bristlenose ancistrus plec
1 Large common plec
2 Jack dempseys
1 Goldfish


2 Ocellaris clowns
1 Sixline wrasse
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 Yellow tang
3 Green chromis (black axil)

Total: 33

Running total: 7168
2x fantail goldfish
1x lionhead goldfish
1x black moor
2x hillstream loaches
3x pictus catfish
6x black phantom tetras

Total 7183

Most reactions
