Sorry to do this in quotes, but I've been ill and didn't see this attack til now. It all needs answering and doing it in quotes makes it clear what bits of rubbish I'm answering specifically.
So you can maybe understand why I choose to keep my cats safe, healthy and happy - what others do with their cats is completely up to them. I just find it funny (haha) that people would suggest people who keep their cats indoors are neglecting them (or their happiness), when really in my case I'm protecting them. They're happy, healthy and will hopefully live much longer lives than their predecessors here. There's nothing missing from their lives.
Cats are meant to be outdoors, just because your cat dosen't say hes having a bad time dosen't mean he's having a good time, do you think he is happy sleeping for 12 hours a day and wandering at home doing nothing?
Absolutely not, which is why I spend hours every day keeping them mentally and physically stimulated, as you'd know if you'd read my post thoroughly.
In nature they would hunt during that time, mark territory, and explore, and read scent marking by other cats. So unless you can give them those needs I don't think you should have a cat at all! Its like saying You have a 10 gallon tank, but you really want an Oscar, so even though you can't care for the oscar, you still get him, just because you want him.
do provide these things for my cats, with one exception, the territory marking (as my cats are neutered as is good for them).
My cat has area to explore, at least 1 acre, more if he goes into more peoples yards that I know of (if he does, then he has a huge area to explore!), I never get worried about him, even though only a couple days ago I heard him fighting another cat and I heard the growling and snarling and it sounded terrible, but I knew it was natural, I try to give him the most natural life he can get while still taking care of his health and feeding him on days of unsuccesfull hunts (which I admit is actually unnatural).
It seems from this that you're letting an un-neutered (I assume due to territorial marking, fighting, etc) cat wander outside, fight and spread disease (and kittens if unneutered). And you're calling
me irresponsible. If your cat is neutered, then please forgive what I've said, but even so, if your cat's fighting with others, it is at risk of killer disease, and of spreading it to others.
Let me ask you one thing, would you think a 2 year old human would be happy in a small room his whole life? (cats have an average intellegence of a 2 year old human) Knowing how explorative 2 year olds are
No, and neither would my cats be confined to a small room.
Cats need a lot of area, and frankly if you cant give them a relatively safe area to explore on his own, then I think you shouldn't own cats!
Edit- I read some of the above posts, how do you know your cat is happy? for gods sake, if it is dangerous to have a cat in your area then don't get one at all!
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't agree.
Also, I have happily had my cat for almost 10 years, and nothing has happened to him (except a few fights with the neighbors cat) Our whole backyard is really big and completely wild, and we live next to a semi-largely used road, my cat has never got hit by a car, I have also seen fox in my backyard, which I think are dangerous to cats) I live in the suburbs outside a really large city.
Then your cat is very lucky. God forbid he cactches and spreads FIV with his history. God forbid he ends up like Charlie and Boswell. That's out of good luck rather than management though. You can't say it's safe (in fact you admit it's dangerous), so please don't lecture me.
You all think a better life is a longer one...a better life is a good one! not a necessarily a long one.
Couldn't agree more, but why not have both? That's all I'm doing - happiness and living indoors are NOT mutually exclusive. You have the right to make your own choices for your cat based on what you think is best
for them - that's all I've done. As I've said, I'm not against outdoor cats in any way, I ust choose to keep mine in because
for them it's safest and best.
FOR GODS SAKE CATS AREN'T HUMANS!!! Cats try to stay away from humans!
You obviously haven't met my cats.

They love human company. They also love living indoors and don't sit crying to go out as they've never been out, and never will go out. They are thoroughly happy, safe and loved. Who could ask for more?
You make your choices, I make mine. I'm sorry, but you can't sit there and lecture me - it's me who has Dodge, Grace and Errol and I know I'm doing what's best
for them - if I gave them the choice to go out, they wouldn't do it - would you suggest I force them into going out when they're scared of the outdoors? Because that'd be forcing them into a life of misery which is what you're accusing me of already. You don't have the right to personally attack me and accuse me of making my loved, stimulated and thoroughly happy cats "miserable", and frankly a lot of the information you've posted about outdoor cats is untrue and dangerous. People who let their cats out should be able to do so responsibly and with knowledge of the risks - just as people who keep their cats indoors should be aware of the much larger needs and responsibilities. Giving out false information either way isn't helping anyone, much less the cats.