Blue acara in my 50 gallon

I've always like serpa tetra myself but there are 100's of options and others have different opinions. Another option would be black neon tetra; the advantage of black neon is they stay near the top of the aquarium while serpa, cardinals and quite a few other stay lower.
I've always like serpa tetra myself but there are 100's of options and others have different opinions. Another option would be black neon tetra; the advantage of black neon is they stay near the top of the aquarium while serpa, cardinals and quite a few other stay lower.
Your advice has been amazing, is there any other good shoaling options for me that arnt tetra? I’ve had so many throughout the years I was thinking something differnt
There are rasbora, rainbow head standards and pencil fish among others but i would focus on behavior and looks and not genus.
Could I keep a shoal of 3/4 of the smallest silver dollar species?
I would not in a 50. They are a very nervous fish best kept in a large group in a quiet area.
There are rasbora, rainbow head standards and pencil fish among others but i would focus on behavior and looks and not genus.
I wouldn't keep Pencilfish (Nannostomus) with large cichlids. They do fine as dithers for Dwarf Cichlids, Apistogramma and the like, but would be in peril with larger fish. Even if they weren't devoured, they'd be miserable.
I wouldn't keep Pencilfish (Nannostomus) with large cichlids. They do fine as dithers for Dwarf Cichlids, Apistogramma and the like, but would be in peril with larger fish. Even if they weren't devoured, they'd be miserable.
Depends on the species as some get larger than cardinals and hang near the top... it all depends on the specific species.
some get larger than cardinals and hang near the top... it all depends on the specific species.
True. And they will be miserable. There are currently only two Nannostomus species that primarily occupy the top, N. eques and N. espei. N.espei is rarely imported and, when it is, goes for $15-$20 per fish or more. I'd no sooner put them in with cichlids than throw money out of my high-floor apartment window. Any other Nannostomus species other than these two that is staying at the top is terrified, wants out, and will jump if given the slightest opportunity. Besides the practical issues, I consider this an ethical issue.
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