Horrible Story

a lot of people have already said what i am about to say but i wanted to give my say as well.
i was brought up with a rottweiler from the age of 3 till i was about 6 , he was the most friedliest dog ever, he was actually that friendly for his own good, he was a big dog, bigger than your average rotty, so my mom being extra cautious had to rehome him incase he ever caused me any damage.
but this dog would never ever had turned on me or any other person, this was because he was brought up in the right manner , and around kiddys.
i always now say that if you are every going to have a dog of any kind, always let him interact with children from an early age.

this new attack has rearly got me angry, most dog attacks are because the dog has been taunted etc...but after the attacks happen its always the dogs fault which then puts a bad name on the breed which is very unfair as these attacks are 1 in a million.
iots not the dogs fault its the OWNERS, and this needs to be pointed out to more people.
when i am in the right position to get a dog i will certainly be getting a rotty, nothing will ever put me off this breed or any other breed, like pitt bulls.
WHat gets me about these stories is that there will be loads more incidents of dogs biting kids that arent reported because they're not classed as dangerous dogs like the small toybreeds. Personally I've found that the bigger the dog the softer the dog, I always remember as a kid being around large dogs which were softies and then going somewhere that had a Yorkshire terrier that would bite anyones ankles, but because it was small it was regarded as being fine.
yeah my sis had a yorkshire terrier & it was 1 nasty piece of work, went for me several times. she now has a staffie & she is the total oppersite, totally soft.
we have 2 cavalier king charles spaniels ourselves & even thou they are both really soft i watch them when babies come round but that is because our youngest is 8. they are both fine with my 4 year old niece but i will always watch them just in case. we have had babies in & evie the females loves them, always going up to the baby for a cuddle but charlies hasn't seen any babies since hes been with us so he will be watched more.

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