I was quite badly bitten on the face by a dog myself at about 6 years old, I know it was my fault, it was not my dog. A large old english sheepdog belonging to friends / neighbours, I was playing perfectly okay with him, and I was supervised. But me being me and thinking all animals just love me, I forcefully took his ball out of his mouth and would not give it back, I would know call it teasing the dog. Anyhow I was on a level with the dogs head and got bit on the cheek. My friends mom took me home and told my mom what had happened, the lady was so worried my mom would make her have him put to sleep. As soon as this was mentioned I started screaming, no kill doggy no kill doggy. I remember this like it was yesterday (am 28 now) my mom said it was my fault and no she didn't want him put to sleep.
I learnt one thing from all of this, dogs are animals that have been domesticated and as such deserve respect.
Since then I have lived with 6 dogs, of which 2 were dobermans and 2 staffords, I have never been seriously bit apart from splitting up two staffords. That again was my fault, I put fingers in mouth to seperate them. Having said that I would do it again tomorrow, I love my dogs, I give them respect, I know the damage they can cause, I am a responsible dog owner.
The owner is once again at fault for not securing the garden / house that that rottie got out of.
Obviously NOT responsible owners.