High Nitrates + White Poo

Hi Wilder and thanks

Yes its liquid based test

i will do 50-60% water change before treating fish.

I`m not sure what to think, i have never been dealing with flukes beforel, is suppose i got them with discus which i never de-wormed :(.

anyway i need to do something so I will try to use wormer plus plus interneeal bacteria meds.

btw. saying that i need to kill ones that hatch - will existing ones go away/die? :) maybe i do not understand flukes cycle

Thanks a lot Wilder!!!

1 fatal case = one f the angel fish died
2 - i have noticed some more darting by one of affected discus

so now i have affected 1 more angelfish, nannacara anomala, and 2 discus
rest of the fish are happily getting out when I feed them. they looks live and have nice colours

the infected one are staying in the shadow ocassonally getting out and then hidding again. still no interest in food, all of affected fish are young.

ps. with treatment wormer plus and interpret anti internal bac - should a hold water changes till once/week?

if you have to do a water change with the bacterial med, just add add the correct amount of med back to water removed.
today 1 angelfish and 1 discus died

discus was rapidly swimming before dead after rapidly swimming he died in matter of minutes
Was the fish ill before or gone downhill after adding the meds.
Rapid swimming can mean the fish is dying.
How are the other fish doing.
Bless Him. R.I.P.
there is 3 more fish infected

1 angelfish
1 nanacara anomala
1 discus

other than than all other ones are eating well.
How are the fish. Any signs of improvement.

sorry for long delay

lost nannacara and another angelfsh today. the only remaining infected fish is small blue discus

apistogramma is tearing against objects he is trying to aim for gills - he scratched himself badly today lost some scales. Other fishes stopped tearing - other fish i mean 3 discus 15 cardinal tetra 5 corys an 2bn are ok atm.

When the next course of wormer plus due.
sunday -as it states every seven days

but i`m doing water change today as i stopped after meds beed added to the tank

so would you advise to do another treatment?
wormer+anty int bac
Add the second dose of wormer plus on sunday then.
Once the bacterial med course it up do a gravel vac and water change, Run some new black carbon.
Remove black carbon when you add the second dose of wormer plus.

Any improvement with the fish yet.

fish are not tearing about objects but other than that no :)

Let me know how they are after second treatment.
Good Luck.

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