Here We Go - Axolotl Eggs

Update pictures of
Batch#1 - 2 albinos


Batch#2 - 161 so far, mix of wildtypes and what appears to be golden albinos.

Update thread :)

Batch#1....we have fully formed front legs! (hard to see in the pictures, but if you squint you can see toes!



Batch#2....separated wildtypes from hand :blink:. Also got a closer look at a lot of the babies and discovered a few albinos and leucistics in the bunch! :hyper:
None of the leucistics were caught by my camera (realized this as I was uploading the photos)
First photo is wildtypes, second is golden albinos and albinos


And for Batch#3....the eggs from the forum member went bad,
But I have had to separate Butters from Reese because he got her again...I just scooped more eggs out of the plants in the tank. Naughty little lotls!
But in all seriousness, she needs a break and I don't want her to become ill so Butters is going to be spending time in a bachelor pad for the next few weeks.
Heartbroken to post this....

Something must have gone wrong between water changes/feedings yesteday while dividing up the babies...

All the wildtypes died. I am devastated. I wish I knew what was the cause of 60+ deaths.
Did you test the water? Perhaps no dechlorinator. I've done that before with my small shrimp tanks.
No I definitely had Dechlorinator...I leave it right beside both sinks and it is instinctual by this point of fish keeping.

I actually think one of my hatcheries went bad as I had a few more wipe out after another feeding from the same hatchery. Since dumping that specific hatchery out and using different hatcheries while that one matured I have had no more deaths.

I have more eggs that should be hatching in a week or so...I will separate them a bit earlier this time. Smaller bunches seem to help keep the death tolls down so that if one passes overnight, the body isn't decomposing next to a large amount of siblings. Smaller groups do make me go through brineshrimp a lot faster as I have to make sure there are enough brineshrimp packed into each container so that they all get enough to eat....but it is such a small cost it is worth it.
Batch#1 - - From January 10th
The two albinos are doing well. Waddling around on front arms, eating chopped up frozen bloodworms.


Batch#2 - From Feb 5th.
Eating BBS - - watch for their little "jumps" as they go after the tiny shrimp floating by

A few of them are *just* starting to bud their little arms....can't be picked up by the camera but the naked eye can see if it stares long enough where your eyes threaten to tear up and leave you cross-eyed.



Batch#3 From Feb 25th. They should be hatching soon!
Batch#2 has been cleared out!:hyper:

Batch#1 is doing good. I ended up separating them due to the difference in size. There is a large baby and a small baby and I wanted to be able to monitor the smaller siblings food intake
Batch #1 is gone thanks to me not securely latching the door and my cat getting in the room while I was at work and knocking over the table and they died from drying up before I got home.

I have kept a pair of leucistics from Batch#2 and may seek out an albino in the future.



Batch #2 has grown back legs now.

Hard to see but I will try and get better pictures tomorrow with a different back ground so they stand out more

I also have a young albino, melanoid and 1-2 wildtypes being sent to me from a couple of forum members on another forum.

That will bring me to
my current wildtype female Reese,
my current golden albino male Butters,
my current two young leucistics,
and then a young albino, a melanoid, and 1-2 wildtypes.

Most reactions
