Here We Go - Axolotl Eggs

The dark baby from Batch#1 died but I had a feeling he was on his way - he wasn't eating during the BBS feeding last night. The two albinos are still doing ok and have nice pink bellies from eating.

Batch#2 has a bunch of developing embryos. Very excited about seeing how they make out!
The two albino babies from Batch#1 are doing good!
Nice full bellies :)

Batch#2 is progressing nicely and I should have some hatching next week!
Here is the clearest closeups I could manage of an egg - notice the cute little gills!
13 days old and Batch#2 has 8 hatchlings!
Quick video of the first eight hatchlings of Batch#2

Batch#2, day 14. second day of hatching. Now up to 69 hatched axolotls

Awsome pics! Congrats on the new little ones! And just so you know, the pics you took of the eggs were phenomenal
Batch#2, Day 15. Day 3 of hatching.
now 147 hatched....still a few more to go




So cute, although I think you're going to have to update your signature! :lol:
what is the recommended tank setup for these guys? I am seriously tempted lol

The basics are really easy - -
A two foot tank minimum for one adult, one additional foot for each additional adult
Temperature - keep it below 70*F at all times. Above 73-75*F even for a very short time can stress them to the point of illness and death
Diet should be primarily earth worms, treat with frozen bloodworms / blackworms
Filter their tank like a fish's tank, make sure there isn't a strong outflow because they don't like currents. They do like playing in bubbles from an aerator though!

So cute, although I think you're going to have to update your signature! :lol:

Keeper of Amphibians....18 ACF and 151 Axolotls and counting!!!!
It's cute but a

I noticed a fish in there which is a no-no...even if the axolotl doesn't immediately catch the fish, the gills are prime nibbling temptation. Also.....there looked to be something wedged in it's mouth. The "dolphin" swimming is also unusual and not a normal way for a usually lazy animal to swim...
aaaaaand Batch#2 is up to 161 babies! I think this is nearly all of them. There is a lot of water wisteria in the egg tank and a few eggs/axies are probably in the middle of the clump.
Any eggs I find I at this point I am just breaking open with my nail and letting the axie swim out. I can see them fluttering in the egg but unable to break the sac.

I will post more pictures of Batch#1 and Batch#2 after work.
aaaaaand Batch#2 is up to 161 babies! I think this is nearly all of them. There is a lot of water wisteria in the egg tank and a few eggs/axies are probably in the middle of the clump.
Any eggs I find I at this point I am just breaking open with my nail and letting the axie swim out. I can see them fluttering in the egg but unable to break the sac.

I will post more pictures of Batch#1 and Batch#2 after work.

161!!! :hyper:

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