help...bala shark bleeding from pelvic fin


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
alabama, USA
one of my balas (the biggest one) has a bloody area around where his pelvic fin attaches to his body on his left side. he acts normal, east normal, swims around normal. the only other thing ive noticed is his tail fin has one small fray in it, nothing serious though. any ideas whats going on? thanks.
Is the blood spot new and developing, new and static, new and recovering, old and developing, old and static, or old and recovering, and what time scale are we talking about?

The same really with the fray in the tail. Is there anything in the tank that would nip him, bearing in mind a small tetra being front toothed can take a chunk out of a big fish if the mood takes him.
i would classify it as "new and static"

i first noticed it about 3 days ago and it hasnt gotten worse.

if it matters, this is also the newest bala introduced into the tank.
Could be septicemia, in which case a mild antibiotic like Melafix and creating as stress free enviroment as posible is your best bet- the same goes if your bala just has an injured fin, Melafix is very good at speeding up the healing process of injurys and helping prevent secondary infection from settling into them :thumbs: .
3 days isn't a long time. I suspect s/he has had a bump. I would leave it for now, and as long as your water quality is good, it should clear up. If after a week or so there is no improvement, or if the situation starts to deteriorate, maybe then look to start treating it.

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