Help! Another Dead Pygmy Cory.


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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I'm so puzzled! Some of you may remember that about 4 days ago, one of my pygmy cory was showing signs of lethargy. I found it dead the next day.
I just came home from work to find ANOTHER dead cory!
I don't know what's going on! I will test my water now. Last time I checked the levels were normal.
This is really upsetting :c
what.... it's still alive. Barely. It barely moves when I touch it.

More notes:
I just did a rescape a few days ago.
I also turned the temperature down from 28 to 26 celsius as I thought maybe that's why the other cory had died, that it was a bit too warm for them.
pH - 7.4
Ammonia - .25ppm !! why am I suddenly getting an ammonia reading?
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5
What dechlorinator do you use and when was your last water change? I ask because Prime can give false readings of ammonia.
Sorry this is happening btw, very frustrating :/
I do use prime, hm. In the past it has looked sort of in-between 0 and .25ppm. Maybe I'm just seeing things wrong?
Thank you! It's very frustrating but lovely to have people like you to help!
When was your last water change though? I -think- it only messes with the readings for a certain amount of time, but I could be wrong. I wish I could be of more help :C Hope this cory perks up.
Hmm, ammonia at 0.25 is not a particular worry IMO at the moment. Could possibly be a false reading due to the Seachem Prime dechlor.
Can i ask what else do you have in the tank? if your sig is the tank you speak of, then theres 8 cories and 1 betta?
What are you feeding the cories with? is the betta showing any signs of lethargy as well?
and is the betta eating the cories food?
Also is there enough water oxygenation going on in the tank? Water surface agitation from filter etc
Have you cleaned the filter or changed your water change routine, heavy gravel vac or new decor or plants recently added etc
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to find clues that may help determine whats happening in your tank.
My last water change was probably about 5 days ago now

Charlie - I have 9 Pygmy Cory and the betta, yes.

I feed the Cory sinking pellets. The betta does not get to them as I put him in a breeder box while they eat.

I think there's enough agitation. I haven't changed anything. It's the aquanano 40 tank with the built in filter system. I have the filter on the lowest setting as my betta doesn't like the current.

I did just do a rescape. I got rid of most of my plants and replaced them.
Also lowered the temp from 28 to 26 Celsius because I thought the cats would be happier like that.
it could be shock from the temperature change but then again in the wild that would be normal itcould be all the combined things together from what ive heard allot of things happend at once a water change temperature change and rescape(btw i think it looks really good now)
26C is at the top of the pygmy's tolerance that could be a factor as keeping a fish at higher temps than they've evolved for speeds up metabolism & shortens lifespan.
What pellets are you feeding? Corys need a high protein diet.
Another possibility is while doing the rescape you could've stirred up the substrate causing an ammonia spike.
Do another water change & retest after 24 hours.
Hope they improve for you soon
Thanks noobgamers. Actually my tank looks totally different now, the pic I have there is old x)
Thanks Lille. I feed Hikari sinking wafers, they have meat in them.
He seems better today.

Anyway I've attached an image of my new look tank


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Hmm. Well he's not dead but he's still sick, sitting at the bottom very awkwardly not moving much.
I think he has clamped fins? Does that mean they are close to his body? The other Pygmy are fine and so is my betta.
Yes they will be clamped against his body, am not sure what's going on though unfortunately! I really hope someone more experienced with cories can help you here soon :(
Here's a photo of the sick little dude


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