Help! Another Dead Pygmy Cory.

Sorry for the caps but WHAT. I THINK I JUST SAW A CORY FRY IN MY TANK.

CrazyDiamond88 said:
Wow strange that the one little guy survived! I am glad he's okay now.
Thanks dear. I was just talking to a fish-keeping friend and she said her fish died of columnaris, I looked it up and it sounds like that's what it may be...
Hmm. I've had to treat my tank for that once. I used Maracyn I & II together.
CrazyDiamond88 said:
Sorry for the caps but WHAT. I THINK I JUST SAW A CORY FRY IN MY TANK.
:eek: !!!
So should I treat my tank with an anti-bacterial thing? I have a medicine called wardley promethyasul and it says it is for bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases. 
If so will it affect my shrimp?
I'm sorry :( And I'm not sure about that med. Havn't heard of it and google didn't really turn up anything. Does it have an ingredient list or anything?
It says on the bottle:
Active constituents:
each 30mL container treats 120L of Aquarium Water
Malachite green will kill shrimp, am not sure if that amount would be deadly or not but wouldn't use it, just in case D:
arg D: 
I wonder if there is a safe treatment I can use... 
This is so complicated.
Fantastic, now one of the cories is doing this and has been swimming erratically.

I'm so frustrated D:


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Please, I need some advice. Should I medicate the sick fish? 
I could put him in the tank with my betta who I am currently treating for ich. Would that work?
I'm desperate for some advice, I don't want to lose any more cories :(
I don't think he has ich so it wouldn't be good to do that :/
Do you have anything like Maracyn I & II there?
Okay sure. 
Hm, when I search on google it seems Maracyn is a brand name for erythromycin, is that right?
If so I can have a look for that.
How many gallons is the tank please.?
How long have you had the corys?
Corys are very prone to bacterial infections.
Do they show any other signs like short thin barbels.
Looking bloated, or thin.
Red sores, or red streaking.
Frayed fins.
Leaning to onside when resting.
Looking pale or darker in colour.
Unable to maintain balance, turning upside down,.
The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease. 
Hello, tank is 12 gallons.
I've had the cories for over 6 months.

The sick one has worn down barbels and although he isn't just yet, the others that died turned very pale. He is leaning on one side when he rests on the bottom, yes.

I think that because I have not regularly gravel vacuumed, because I found it so difficult to do and because there are so many plants in my tank, it is a bacterial infection.

When I get paid I am going to pay an automated gravel vac, primafix, melafix, aquarium salt, and an airstone.
I feel really bad that it had gotten to this stage :( I've really learnt my lesson

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