Help! Another Dead Pygmy Cory.

and a better photo of my tank...


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Your slight rise in ammonia might be from stirring up the gravel during your recent rescape, though as Ch4rlie said 0.25ppm isn't too much to worry about and should certainly not kill fish. If I ever have sick fish I always stick the air pump and air stone in for a couple of days. hope the little fella pulls through :)
Thanks Kirky :) What does an airstone do?
Update: He is still alive. I was watching him today and every now and then he shakes a little bit... is this coz I'm scaring him or something else?
I found something on google called the shimmies...
In my opinion it will just go some way to adding more oxygen into the water column, but is best with lots of very small bubbles as this will help absorption rather than lots of larger bubbles that just rise to the surface very quickly and not get absorbed, the lime wood types rather than the usually "stone" types offer these smaller bubbles. again I just use them if things look a little weak or if I've medicated the water and if possible drop the temp down to 24°C
Thanks again Kirky.
I noticed too that he has part of the bottom of his tail missing :/
The betta may be stressing them out. The betta is a natural predator, the catfish may know that. Btw I'm not a fish genius, so I may be wrong.
Betta arent natural predators, but they can be aggressive for no reason, it varys between bettas, some will be totally ok with shrimp, guppies, or cories, some may just not like them and try to kill them, its just chance with the fish personality. I have my betta with little ghost shrimp, gold rabbit snails, nerite snails, and endlers, all live in harmony, but i also added lots of cover to break the line of site through out the tank, and add hiding spaces but no one hides.
My betta never bothers the cory. He doesn't even notice them.
I don't think he's the problem
Clamped fins could be a sign of internal parasites, & another thought even though you say the Betta doesn't bother them pygmy corys are not totally bottom dwellers & tend to occupy the middle levels a lot of the time, the Betta could be having a go after lights out when you can't see what's happening & stressing them out.
If you have another tank I would remove the pygmys
Internal parasites? Ew. Should I treat for that?
About lights out; at night, before bed, I put the betta in a breeder box in the tank and feed him, and I drop the cory food at the bottom of the tank.
In the morning he comes out. So they have the tank to themselves all night.
I really don't want to remove the pygmys - I don't have another tank anyway - but I did a lot of research when I began this tank to find fish suitable to dwell with the betta.
And I know that's sort of a strange idea, since betta are fighters by nature and don't share their space well, but I find that he is pretty good with the pygmy. He ignores them even when they're right in front of him.
And I don't think he realises it but sometimes they try to school with him. LOL.
Well the little feller finally died today.
And another looks like he's soon to follow.
The betta has been out of the tank for over a week now. The other cory seem fine.
There are red cherry shrimp in there with them too.
Wondering what the problem is. Sigh.
I'm so sorry 
 I wish I could help.
I lost all 15 of my habrosus cories and still have no idea what it was, the water tested fine every time and there were no symptoms. It seems they're fragile due to their size or something.
Thanks :( 
That is terrible, I'm so sorry to hear that :c
There are two more which look sick/dying now.
If this is going to continue I don't know what to do. Maybe get a different fish species.
Sigh..I'm dumb. I only lost 14. The remaining one was absolutely fine and I moved him to my 55 where he is still fine. Have put sterbais in that tank now and they're fine too. It's odd :/
I'm sorry more are getting sick! :( I hope they hang in there.
Wow strange that the one little guy survived! I am glad he's okay now.
Thanks dear. I was just talking to a fish-keeping friend and she said her fish died of columnaris, I looked it up and it sounds like that's what it may be...

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