Has Anyone Bred Otos?

Well this has all given me the incentive to try to breed my cories again, this time with some more look on keeping the fry alive :(
Here's to hoping, and Congrats on your breeding successes I'm very jealous :D

cheers, :good:
Wow this is very amazeing, otos rarely ever spawn in a home aquarium, most of these fish you buy at the store infact are wild caught, its just very difficult to spawn and raise them. Awsome job :good:
Thats awesome, not only breeding the Panda Cories; which can also be very difficult; but also the Otto's.

Well done! :good:
Thanks all

This will be my last post on this thread. I think there isn't much more to report, as they are all growing pretty fast and already look like the adults.

In only 30 days, the biggest has reached just over 2.5cm in length. She is pretty fat and doing a wonderful job on the algae, with her brothers and sisters. The others are growing fast now and our tank looks adorable with all the different size oto babies. :wub: Yesterday their parents layed some more eggs and we were able to save a few more.

A pic of the new eggs, fertile as they are yellow, should hatch tomorrow

Two pics of our biggest girl


Thanks all for looking and replying.
Keep well, Carmen :D
Fantastic ! :good: You should do a little summary or just post a link to this thread in the profile section. It would be very valuable :nod:
Fantastic ! :good: You should do a little summary or just post a link to this thread in the profile section. It would be very valuable :nod:

Thanks Bloo

I've put a link in our signature. I've really enjoyed raising these fry, they haven't given me a single hassle, lovely babies.

Keep well, Carmen :D
just out of interest did you feed your otos white worm?
As I've had problem with my cory eggs, they hatch but don;'t last more than a week, well the last batch didn't anyway. I was told that white worm will give the fry bigger yolk sacks, when the worms are fed to the parents?

lol I need to know how to get hold of some, as the guy I was told to contact doesn't seem to sell them anymore.

wouldn't they need to absorb their yolksac before eating other foods?

what did you feed them, or what are you feeding them, while they were VERY small?

with plants in the tank, there will be small amounts of infusoria growing on it.
Yeah, me, too

Really special. Thanks Kuhni for bumping it up so I saw it. :nod:
Hi all

The first batch of fry are almost adult size. If you see them on their own, you'd think they're fully grown till an adult comes by. But they are all doing really well.

I ended up with 4 batches in the end. The second batch I didn't get too many eggs and their net suddenly became over grown with blue green algae, so we lost them. The third batch we got a few and the fourth the big fry are still in the fry tank. Thought I'd leave them there as the algae clean up crew.

I haven't seen them spawn for a while now, but the tank is very densely planted, so plenty places to hide and do their thing. I'm looking at getting a new camera soon, as the other packed it in a couple weeks ago. As soon as I get one, I'll take some new pics of them so you can see how beautiful they've turned out.

Well, I finally got a camera and have taken a few more pics.

Here is one from the last batch. He/she is so cute and pretty friendly, doesn't mind me taking pics.

And our breeding female. Just look at how full her belly is of eggs.

I have been watching them like a hawk to see if they're spawning, but the tank is very heavily planted, so they probably are and I can't see them.

They are sooo cute
wow I want lol not that I have anywhere to put them at this point with 2 tanks out of comission
oh well such is life
Just saw this topic, sounds very cool. All the ottos I've ever had were wild-caught and so were pretty weak, died within a month :( .
Well, the fry from our first spawn are almost 6 months old, and I have seen them for the first time this morning spawning!! They are definitely the fry. Their moms are a lot bigger in the bellies and this little female isn't too eggy yet. I haven't collected eggs, they're spawning out of reach. Plus, probably brother and sister.

But at least I know what age they are able to breed at. Seems very similar to some of the cories.


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