The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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This is kind of unexpected, looking at the close up of the Oto’s mouth above… they appear to be actually eating some of the wood… this is a well seasoned stick, in the tank ( the one I apply Repashi to, once every week or two ) you can see the lighter spots on the stick, where they have eaten the darker seasoned surface off… I’ve had Pleco’s that actually ate wood before, but all have had visible teeth… these Oto’s appear to have the normal “bristlely” lips
A fresh picture of the giants ( all 3 ) taken tonight… Sid n the front
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1st I’ve witnessed this… even though these fins are small, for the overall size of the fish, it appears as if “Sid” can hang on using his fins, similar to Hillstream’s, and some other fish that inhabit the fast flowing waters…
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I haven't posted on this thread for a while... all 3 of the giant Oto's are still alive and thriving ( actually Hypoptopoma sp. ) these are supposed to be Hypoptopoma thoracatum, but I suspect the one I named Sid is a different sp. he has much more personality than the other two... the other two are as good as any other pleco at glass and hard scape cleaning, but Sid is exceptional, and seems genuinely curious what's going on, outside his box... he doesn't beg like the Cichlids do, but seems intelligent when he watches us... even though he is a sucker fish, he has become one of Mrs. favorites, because he interacts with her...
I have ordered a 4th, just to see what I get, and get a better representation of the Hypoptopoma group...

I don't have any new an exciting pictures, that haven't been already posted, just wanted to update that they turned out to be a great aquarium fish, and see if anyone new, has a suggestion of Sid's real sp.
OK, not a great picture, but Sid at 1st light, cleaning the bio film off the air line... I'm not exactly sure why air lines seem to collect more bio film than the rest of the tank's surfaces, but my Zebra Oto's , and the giants, all seem to like cleaning them...
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