Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

my livestock list
2 commen clown fish
1 purple firefish
1 green mandarin (will be added later on when i have a live food thing)
and would 1 sixline wrasse be ok if i add it last? if not then
1 filamented flasher wrasse?


2 blue legg hermits
1 boxer crab
1 cleaner shrimp
2 pepermint shrimp
3 turbo snails
5 nassarius snails
5 cirth snails
i am going to buy some shells for my hermit crabs :good:


devils leather finger
lots different types of mushroom corals
sea fan
toadstool leather coral
star polyps
pulsing xenia
hammer coral
torch coral

are these ok? are there any other coral you can recomend me because i am a little stuck on coral. :X
Hi harry
Ive not kept corals for a while but if i remember right, sea fans are rather hard to maintain. Needing good water quality, they also need to be fed.
Look into zoanthidd polyps, they come in many colours and are easy to care for, spreading fast. They also make a good coral to try your first fragging experiments with, which if youre like the rest of us, youll be doing soon enough haha.
Other good lps include frogspawn corals. They are a little more hardier than torches.
Plate corals are relativly easy to keep to.
After youve had some experience with corals, you could look into sps like montiporas and acroporas. When you get the water right, these corals look just great and grow at impressive rates.

Agree with the sea fans. Very picky things. Would suggest to feed at least daily, twice would be better.
thanks everyone :good: what do sea fans eat? also is the sixline wrasse ok if added last?
Sea fans eat plankton ect which you would either have to buy or culture yourself. It is best to keep clear of sea fans, at least untill you have much more experience with corals. The sixline will be fine if added last. I have a sixline and has had fish added before and after it and there have been no issues. However, my tank is 100gals and the other fish are much bigger. He tends to just do his own thing, swimming in and out of rocks looking for food. A great fish!

thanks. its christmas day :hyper: havnt opened any presents yet but soon will be :good: loads of pictures will be on here.
here are some pictures :good:

i look like a girl LoL :lol: i had my hair cut and i hate it. its all short










sorry for some of the bad images. carnt wait till sunday because im getting my ro water and a back ground and also i have enough money for 13KG of live rock
Ah you cant go rong with salifert tests mate :) best brand imo
Youll be going crazy when you get your water and all that rock in. Its more fun than getting fish! Well, not quite, but still fun none the less!

i will be getting my rock in my tank by next week :hyper: still lots to buy though lights,LEDs,reflectors,water,LR,sand,rowaphos,background and..... oh wait thats it for now.
background £3
lights £40
LEDs £18
2 reflectors £15.09
salted ro water 100L £20
13kg live rock £117
30lbs of sand £17.79
rowaphos £9.99
total £240.87 but my dad is buying the water and reflectors. and i will get the lights when i have corals.
Wow, someone got spoiled for Christmas!

I wouldn't worry about your hair mate. We've all been there. Just count yourself lucky it wasn't a pudding-bowl home cut, like I and my siblings used to get as kids. You will look back on these photos in 20 years time and ask yourself "why did my parents do that to me?". The clothes we wore and the hair cuts we had were tantamount to child abuse these days lol.

Good to see you got the Koralia 1's and not the nano's. I don't think the nano's would have been up to the task.

Anyhoo.. Merry Christmas!

Now go and say thank you to your folks by making them a nice cup of tea with a mince pie and cream. :good:
thanks ak77. :good: merry christmas. i dont think i was spoiled i know some one who got spent £500 on them and got £200 for there christmas money. :shout: if i was spent £700 i would buy a big tank like 350L. any way im going to my lfs to day and may get some water and some other stuff. also can i keep a green plating Montipora under 2 28w t5 lights?
Hello mate

Hopeful;ly you'll see this as joined to let you know that RATS CATS AND ELEPHATNS will be closed form 25th dec unitl 2nd of jan i think it said,

so any thing you need will have to wait till the 2nd of jan

sorry buddy
when did you hear this? i remember it saying open 7 days a week but not christmas day
rats cats are not open but sea pets was so i got some non salted water but we could only get 35L.
we got a background and some salt we are going to get the rest tomoz. i havnt put the salt in yet the only thing i have done is turnd on the power heads and the heater.






sorry for the bad pictures

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