Growin' babies

Found it....he's even prettier than his father was at that age :whistle:

Don't tell daddy because I love him to death... but his son is a bit more of a looker. :p He got the true orange color a lot faster, I think it's just because of the totally awesome care I know you gave them. You are truly the best betta mommy I know, I hope I can live up to your standards. :)
:*) :-( :wub:

Oh c'mon now....I already promised you bettas,there's no need to charm me :lol: But seriously,thank you :*) you're a sweetie and you've made my Mother's Day!! :wub: :D

It's crazy now that I look back on Dad, I see a lot of black in his finnage too (then) not so much now....curiouser & curiouser :shifty:
Aww.. I really mean it, I hope you know that. I really do admire you very much, and I know you take amazing care of your bettas. *big hug* Happy Mother's Day!!

The thing about the black is really interesting me!! Especially since it is showing up so early on the young guy... hmmm.... I wonder if some out of the next spawn will be that way, or if they all will! *scratches chin* You know.. orange with black would pretty neat. But then again, so is pure orange. :p
I know you meant it :wub: :wub: :wub:

I know that after I bought the oranges she had some orange and blacks up for sale. I see orange and blacks often, the purest,cleanest orange is what I'm shooting for,I guess. I see a few from this second batch with black too, mostly on their ventrals :unsure: It's hard to keep up with them though, there's so many :*)

Good news though, my lfs has 4 ~ 4 ft tanks, they're like 55's cut in half (height wise) but still the same length, crazy. But anyway,they're used & cheap and perfect for breeding/growing in. They'll go perfectly on the shelving unit that I asked for for Mother's Day :*) :whistle: :kana: :kana: That's just what I wanted to breed the giants in, I can't wait to get it all set up!
Hmm.... maybe the black is sort of like a red wash on a white, only not.. :look: At least you have a large spawn to pick some nice ones from, that way you can breed all that black right out. Hehe!

Freaking exciting about the tanks! Whoo!!! :thumbs: :kana: I can't wait until you breed giants *happy sigh*. You know I'll butter you up then too right? :p Wow you are just gettin all set up aren't you?

... They need a jealous smiley. :alien: <That just doesn't cut it. :lol:

I'm not sure when I'm going to get it set up. The shelves I want are metal, so I can somehow attach lighting to each level. I can probably get my lfs to front the tanks to me until I come up with 200 bucks to pay him for all 4, at least one :shifty: The manager just drools everytime I talk about the giants, he's pretty hot for me to breed them ASAP so I figure the tank should be easy to get out of him :shifty: ;) :hey:

I think the same about the black being like red wash...from what I've seen,they still sell very well :dunno: I've never seen a pure orange for sale though... :hey:
2nd nomination for BOTM for that 1st picture. :kewlpics:

What an awesome collection of photos wuv :cool:

Wuv's bettas are growing up. :wub: :wub: :wub:

I feel so old,seeing them brand new and up until now. Where does the time go :sad: ;) ...They're just perfect. :wub:
Thanks you guys :wub: I won't post anymore pics for awhile, I can tell everybody is bored with the tired ole orangies :whistle: :lol: :wub:

You guys are supposed to say "Never,never,ever! We'll never get tired of the orangies!" :grr: I see....I see :shifty: :p
:D :D

Rather than start up another boring,dull baby thread, I've decided to post all my baby pics in this thread all by my lonesome :whistle:

Shooo away all of you onlookers! :grr: :look:

Here's da babies tonight during a water change. They were taking turns 'swimming on the wild side' in the current of the gravel vac :rolleyes:

"Look at me,Look at me, it's sucking me up!!!!"

"I'm just like Nemo!!"

"My turn,my turn!!"

"Let's try twosies!"

Thankfully I'm onto their crazy antics so I stuffed it with filter floss :p


  • badbabies.jpg
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First little bad news bear removed today. Tried and convicted of needless bullying & random sibling pickery :grr:


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