Getting A Goldfish.....

Oscar Betta

Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
tomorrow. :D Any tips on how to care for them? Do they need a filter? How big does the tank have to be for 2 fantails? Thanks. :)
They don't "need" a filter but you will need to change the water regularly.

You should research how to take care of them before you buy them.

Yes they do, the most powerful you can afford.

125l is adequate for 2, but the bigger the better obviously. Filter needs to be cycled. Check the sticky's for that.

Research, research and more research!!!
Thanks guys! Yeah, I have been researching them, but I haven't been finding a ton of info so I though I would ask about it here.
you need as big a tank as money and space permits :good:
and they do need a filter :)
Ok thanks, 1 more question though: What do you guys recommend I should bye for food? Does there diet need to be mixed up?
the normal Aquarian Goldfish Flakes, im not too sure if they eat anything like live bloodworms,

but just wait till someone else can answer.
feed them blood worm, daphnia, flake, peas, brineshrimp ant eggs anything really there greedy but cute little things
scot :)
You will definately need to invest in a larger tank pretty soon as people said in the other post.

My neighbours kept 'fancy' fish and they didn't live for very long. I had (have normal gold fish) and they lived for years - my first two died at 7 and 9 years (well I'd had them for that long) - now I am older and more experienced my second set of fish are 9 and 8 years old; I don't think my parents would have ever bought me fish to start with if they'd known how long they live. Goldfish need a suprisingly large tank; I wouldn't upgrade to a 10 gallon tank next; I'd try and save and upgrade to as big as you can. There seems no point to keep upgrading to small tanks unless you are going to keep and use the other tanks once your goldfish have finished with them.

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