George's Journal

My tank will be going under a massive overhaul. See this link

Basically I'm cleaning the whole tank (except bio-filtration - excluding substrate obviously), changing the substrate to Dennerle Deponit topped with Black Quartz Gravel (1 to 2mm) and fitting a pressurized CO2 system (Dennerle Classic Line Professional).

The fish will be re-housed in two filtered/heated 20 Gallon tanks while the work is undertaken.

I'm undecided as to plants etc. Probably more like my old layout i.e.

The wife and kids are away for a week so I have some peace to get the work done. I'd like to show you step-by-step progress but unfortunately they've got the digi-camera so the next pics you see will be when the work is well underway.

I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck!
Thanks mate. To some extent you have influenced my decision on going the Dennerle substrate/CO2 route so thanks. Not sure if my wife will agree when she finds out though (££)!!
I have replaced the substrate. It gave me the ideal opportunity to test out my heater cable too - I was unsure if it was working but thankfully is does.

The lower level is Dennerle Deponit mix 200 - it contains all sorts of good stuff; peat, humic substances, trace elements, porous clay and iron-rich minerals, even vitamins. This amount of substrate is designed for a 200 litre (mine is 125 litre) but the more the better. On top of this I've added Dennerle FB1 Bacteria start - this provides beneficial living bacteria from the outset. On top of this I've added some spare laterite I had lying around. Finally I've topped the lot with black quartz gravel (1 to 2mm). This looks stunning and provides a great contrast for my plants and fish, especially combined with my black background.

I've kept some plants which weren't infested with BGA; my Java fern, a few stems of ivy were clean and my Lotus lily. I've added some Sagittaria to the foreground and loads of Hygrophila polysperma and difformis to fill out the left and right sides. The ivy is floated to help it grow quickly and absorb nutrients, the hygros were bought for the same reason, fast and easy growers. These will be probably be replaced once the system has balanced.

I'm hopeful that the system won't crash due to the upset of a substrate change. I have good filtration - Juwel internal and Fluval 204 external (designed for a 200 litre tank). I have permanently re-homed some fish too; 7 Rummynose tetra, 2 Cory julii and 2 Botia striata thus lessening the bio-load.

I didn't get the pressurized CO2 - budget too tight at the moment.

The fish are all fine and seem unaffected by the whole experience - I kept them in 2 x 20 Gallon filtered/heated quarantine/hospital tanks. It gave me a good chance to count my Amano shrimps - I have 10 which I'm very happy with as I've only bought 8 so they must have bred.

I replaced 50% of the water with fresh RO/tap and have gone a little softer to benefit my Cardinals and Rams. pH 6.4, KH 2.5, GH 5. I have just the pair of Rams now - the other 3 were given back to the shop after some thought (5 was too many in hindsight) and a definite pair had formed.

The whole task took about 12 hours and I must admit I wondered if I was doing the right thing. We'll see.

I'll post some photos next week - my wife is away the camera.
Thanks mate. The Ferplast "classic" is a posh yeast-based system. Looks good though with the bubble counter etc. Not sure about running costs though - I imagine you can replace their sachets with yeast, bi-carb etc. as with the Nutrafin units.
Lol bubble counter looks like a small version of an over flow bottle. Do you half fill it with water to count the bubbles?
Looking at the website looks like most of the kit can be had individualy,might try to get some prices for the pressurised system myself.
It will probably turn out even better than before. I guess it's not the tank in its best form that nurtures skill, rather the process of dealing with its problems that does. It's exiting setting up a new 'scape, and the more knowledge you have about such things now will defenitely show. I'm looking forward to what it'll turn out to be.
Nospherith said:
It will probably turn out even better than before. I guess it's not the tank in its best form that nurtures skill, rather the process of dealing with its problems that does. It's exiting setting up a new 'scape, and the more knowledge you have about such things now will defenitely show. I'm looking forward to what it'll turn out to be.

It is true to say I have learnt very valuable lessons. Probably the biggest is the need for patience (and to add more KNO3!!)

This new layout will evolve quite slowly in comparison. I haven't decided on the planning if the final aquascape but it will likely use my Java fern/bogwood at the main focal point. One idea I have is the bogwood positioned in the optical center (golden ratio) with the entire substrate covered in an easy carpeting plant i.e. Sagattaria natans. The lily will provide some tension in the composition. No background plants. That's one idea.
Sounds good mate, good luck, i take it you are going to keep with your old CO2 at the moment then? if it works well which it looked like it did then theres no need to change it :D cant wait to see some more pics
Yes, I'm sticking with my 2 Nutrafin units. I've got CO2 @ 30 mg/l at the moment (lots of yeast!) to hopefully give the plants the edge over algae. I've added E15, Pflanzengold-7, S7 and double dose of TR7 too. I'll probably start adding some KNO3 and Dennerle A1 if things go well

I'll get the pressurized CO2 system for my birthday in August.
N1 an ada site that works lol (nice prices :crazy: better hide this from the mrs)

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