George's Journal

A rare glimpse at one of my Caradina japonica (Amano shrimp). You should feel privilaged - it's the only shot I've managed since they've been in there - about 4 months.


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Well done that man..

still alive then (i'm down to one now). where did you get them from? i've been trying to get hold of 15 or so to split over my 2 tanks for about 6 weeks now and no one has them (including the waterzoo). i'm a bit nervous of ordering on the net as they are so fragile i'll end up with a prawn coctail in a bag i'm sure.
The Waterzoo had a delivery today. I bought 5 more. Looks like you may need another journey - phone first though to make sure they have still have some.

My wife insisted that we have more "feature" fish since the absence of the Angels so I've got 5 Gold Rams now too. Hopefully I'll get a pair. I know one shouldn't really have more than one pair in my size tank but I think it'll be ok - rules are there for bending (if you know what you're doing).

I'll post some pics when they've acclimatised.
Great, peterborough here we come. Thanks for that.

good luck with the rams, i had 2 german rams for a day :*) didn't like my hard water but should do well in your RO mixture.
jimbooo said:
Well done that man..

still alive then (i'm down to one now). where did you get them from? i've been trying to get hold of 15 or so to split over my 2 tanks for about 6 weeks now and no one has them (including the waterzoo). i'm a bit nervous of ordering on the net as they are so fragile i'll end up with a prawn coctail in a bag i'm sure.

Maidenhead aquatics at Ascot has them quite regularly. I dont know which is their closest branch for you. Perhaps you can try them?
thanks dubby, enfield is my closest branch, had none lastweekend. apparently theyre "out of season"

i said "amano shrimp", not "strawberries". i'll keep looking but thanks for the tip, ascot is a bit far from me.
gf225 said:
Latest pic after haigrass trimming. Touched up a little for contrast.
Looking good :D Do you trim the hairgrass like lawn and keep it below a certain height or do you just clip the larger leaves?
Your grass has really taken off! I have a different kind, but I'm gunna trim it this evening and hope for a similar effect!
kenneth_kpe said:
gf225 said:
I trim it all - it promotes growth in all directions.
really??? will it do the same to dwarf sag ???
I wouldn't think so because the leaf structure is so much bigger in Sagittaria sp. you would be more likely to damage the plants. Hairgrass is quite unique in that the "leaves" are so thin that they don't mind being trimmed.

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