George's Journal


You can see oxygen bubbles formed on the surface. I've never known plants to grow so quick! Looks like my 30 mg/l CO2 and fert dosing is working.


  • jun12.JPG
    104.4 KB · Views: 86
wow thats an incredible looking setup.
I'm just starting to take an interest in a planted tank myself looking at converting a 37G into one.

I'm curious though what caused the BGA outbreak?
Hmm low nitrates is something I'll never have to worry about. my tap water is about 40ppm
love the dark gravel. shame you had to restart, i was interested to see how your hairgrass carpet matured. I'm thinking of giving up on hairgrass. I feel my tank isn't big enough because I want a nice clean area of open space sand. And I can't have both :(
watching you change your tank is so awsome GF :p i wish i had the money and the time.. cant wait till 2morrow (i get paid for the first time) im going to get a 25G long and work with that :D
tear-scar said:
you're going to have a bush when the difformis gets going . . . . :p
Good to hear from you again.

You're not wrong about the difformis, you can almost see it grow in front of your eyes! It is a great plant though for establishing that all important balance after a big strip-down.

I'm still completely undecided about the long-term layout. Time to get out Amano's Nature Aquarium World books out again for some inspiration.

-*-MicHAeL-*- The foregound plant is Sagittaria platyphylla. An easy, medium growth plant that forms a carpet (as mine is doing). I only bought one pot which contained 3 or 4 small plantlets - you can see the growth already after only 3 weeks.

daudy_dojo - Good luck. You've come to the right place for advice if you need it.
There's always the old micranthemum micranthemoides . . . Anubias also cannot look bad. I've got some of the "gold" nana growing in my grow-out now . . . very interesting looking plant . . .

Are you going to try to keep the current short background?
Here's the latest pic.

I've done some research on Tom Barr's Estimative Index method of fertilising and have decided that along with adding KNO3 every other day I will add KH2PO4 - Potassium phosphate (extra PO4) and possibly another Potassium (K) based compound. Reasons for adding extra PO4 is that my levels are undetectable (with RowaPhos removed) and I am seeing early symptoms of green spot algae on my Sagittaria leaves. Boosting PO4 levels slowly to about 1 ppm should see me get better growth still and combat the green spot algae. That will be my NPK macronutrients sorted. I will continue to dose Dennerle ferts for the micros.


  • 18jun.JPG
    85.8 KB · Views: 95
wow!im proud of myself for keeping afew ferny things alive,i cant imaging how hard that would be to do.WELL DONE :cool:

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